Wednesday 19 December 2007


3.50am Sign Zone: The 800 Million Pound Railway Station Engineers and builders attempt to meet their biggest deadline so far. The tracks that bring the trains into St Pancras need to be moved over the course of a single weekend or the £5.8billion plans will be thrown off-schedule. Meanwhile, chief architect Alastair Lansley receives bad news that may prevent him from seeing the project through (888)

I got up early to wach the above on BBC 1 NI (Virgin no 863).

BuffyWorld -- "Angel" -- Season Three

Angel (TV series) season three Episode 9: "Lullaby"
angel (from Greek: άγγελος, angelos, "messenger", pl. άγγελοι)

Another day at work, 0730 to 1430 again and for the rest of the week.
Next week, on Sunday I am 0930 to 1630 I think, then Monday 0730 to 1430.
Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th December 2007 are Rest Day & of course Annual Leave days ?
Then back to work Thursday 27th December & the rest of the week , 1300 to 2100 hours.

Now I start to get ready for work, again.

I had made this up on Yahoo 360, but Yahoo seem to be playing up again, it did not ask for a password, like most time, but just went back to the blog page, with out the new blog ?

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