Wednesday 12 December 2007

Wednesday Annual Leave Week

Entry for 12 December 2007
I just went round my Dad's, about 2000 hours, help him pack some Christmas gifts up.
It a bitty cold outside, more like winter, frost a lot about, on the road, car windows, etc, etc.

Police to vote on right to strike - Every UK police officer is to be balloted over whether to lobby for the right to strike, their federation says.

The UK Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, accepting their recommendation for a 2.5% increase to the pay of police officers, but decided that the award should be implemented on 1 December, rather than 1 September.
The Scottish Government has agreed to backdate the 2.5% rise to 1 September, as recommended by the Police Arbitration Tribunal.
This Home Office misjudgment raises a lot of questions, as I quote
"It appears to us that if an award is made, if that is what arbitration feels our police officers are entitled to, it is duty bound upon a government who signed up for arbitration to deliver the outcome in the terms of the arbitrated deal."
Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill on the pay deal
What is wrong with the London based
Government ?

Wednesday 12 December 2007 - 11:23PM (GMT)
Entry for 12 December 2007
Today I did not do anything, just in bed, watching DVD's.

I got a email from a Norwich citu council councillor, with the reason City Hall sent me a bill for the window, from what I read, it say nothing about my case ?

Dear Councillor

My apolagies for the delay in my responce on this matter.

With regards to the Repairs/recharge procedure when it comes to matters of vandalism although we appreciate that the Tenant is not responcible for the damage itself, it is their responcibility to report such damage to the police directly. The police will then investigate and once they have completed their enquiries will provide the Tenant with a CAD number.
From this point the tenant can contact us and we will take this number to place against the repair. Another alternative is that the police themselves will contact us for a statement and reclaim the costs on our behalf through the magistrates court. If this is confirmed with the police no charge will be raised against the Tenant for the repairs. Unfortunately as you can appreciate sometimes these investigations can take some time to complete the result of which may be that we raise an invoice for the repair work before we have recieved the CAD number, which I suspect is the case in this instance.
Moving forward with regards to recharges and vandalism we have a system in place where we advise the Tenants to contact the police in the first instance, however if the property is damaged in a way that leaves it unsafe or insecure we have a rite to repair obligation to ensure that the property is acceptable for the Tenant to remain within. In the instance where this is not standard wear and tear we are required to apply costs to the tenant initially.

If there is any further information I can provide with this matter please feel free to contact me.

Yours Sincerely

Chris Mepham
Customer Contact Team Leader
Norwich City Council

They have never reply to my email, I sent them, but I am only a "TENANT" to them, so do not matter.
I got a "Customer Satisfaction Survey" from Norwich City Council, the council that do not cares.
Like they care about anything what I will say, they just ignore it, like my email.
As for the above reply from the Council, I report the matter to the police, the police report to the council, the council then lie about it after.
Seems that Norwich city council can not tell the truth.

Wednesday 12 December 2007 - 08:40PM (GMT)

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