Monday 3 December 2007

Sunday Rest Day 2000 to 0800 12 hours rest day to Monday.

Entry for 03 December 2007 Sunday Rest day 2000 to 0800, 12 hours overtime.
Entry for 03 December 2007 Sunday Rest day 2000 to 0800, 12 hours overtime. magnify
I done a 12 hour Rest Day last night, tonight i am doing another 12 hour, five hours overtime.

On the way there, I got on the 2100 Norwich Thorpe to Mannintree, which never left platform 2.
Due to a power problem near stowmarket (junction to Bury StEdmunds), at around 2215 hours, it came over that the train was replaced by taxi to Ipswich.
So I got a Taxi to Ipswich (well, did not want to just go home ? lose 12 hours overtime).

No really much to say about the rest of the night, as I not listing train here now, what i cleaned.

Today, I have not done much at all, just watched TV & some DVD's.
Been on the internet, but very little else.

Nothing from Virgin NTL , but I do not expert anything, they just ignore everything, a very bad company, very bad customer service.

Monday 3 December 2007 - 09:09PM (GMT)
Entry for 03 December 2007 No many like TESCO

no tesco in the unthank road!

Save our Sheringham website and blog

No to Tesco on Mill Road

Inverness Tesco Town

Evening News 24 - Hundreds comment on Tesco plans

the No Mill Road Tesco Campaign

Supermarket Anger
A Tesco customer is outraged at the number of times she has been overcharged at the Long Eaton supermarket. Caroline French says the store on Waverley Street has overcharged her on many occasions and says there are a number of people she has spoken to who have also been overcharged. Caroline said: "The tickets on the racking show one price and you are charged another. There has been so much hype about Tesco making so much profit, well, no wonder." Caroline has spoken to Tesco and they have assured her price checks are carried out on a regular basis. She added: "I feel the checks they have in place are failing them and they are failing other people too. Some of these people are pensioners or they are on a low income." The manager at Tesco has been very sympathetic towards Caroline and has told her that the prices come from the head office, but Caroline feels the blame has to lie with somebody. Caroline says that on occasions she has been overcharged by about £8 among five or six items.

Quote from Home , some local web site.

Monday 3 December 2007 - 06:26PM (GMT)

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