Monday 17 December 2007

Monday Rest day

Entry for 17 December 2007 Monday Rest Day
I got up late today, forgot what the time was now ?, but I had my daily bath, read my mail, which was one Christmas Car from 'national express', with a £25 Marks & Spencer voucher ,'Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at 'one' and national express'.
Sounds like a card, that would be sent to a customer, still nice to get £25 of course.

I went out, payed £65 to Loyds TSB bank, this month payment on my loan, then went to Marks & Spencer, done some shopping for Christmas gifts, I think I got them all now, I used the £25 voucher.
Then went to Iceland, on StStephens, was going to use C0-Op on the other side of the road, but the food dept is very small, like a little newsagents, it used to be quite large.
I got food for this week, but not too much.
Then went round my Dad's, packed a few gifts, not long now.

Now looking at the news, just before going to bed, early, because I am on early Tuesday at work, something I find hard to do, wake up ?

Adams in plea over Orange Halls Attacks on Orange Halls are motivated by sectarianism and must end, Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams says.
Report rules out tax cut demandsAn expert rules out reducing corporation tax in Northern Ireland, saying it would hurt the rest of the UK.
Comic vows to return after attack A comedian who suffered a fractured skull during a robbery hopes to be back on stage by Christmas.
Police face Facebook probe Nineteen officers and staff in Northamptonshire could face disciplinary action for sending messages of support to a colleague on a social networking website.
Time wasting calls aired Cambridge police are to post recordings of nuisance 999 calls on the internet to highlight the time-wasting nature of some calls they deal with.

The story about 999 calls, for silly reason, like asking to talk to the Prime Minister Gordon Brown, where some store is, because she could not find it ? even asking for telephone numbers ?

Disabled drivers' parking rap Warning notices have been issued to disabled drivers in Derby because of their inconsiderate parking.

It would be nice, if it was not just limited to Derby, parking on pavements or some other places, make it harder for people with pushchairs or wheelchairs & some other people.
It is very selfish of driver who park, where every they like.

Health warning on fake cigarettes Smokers are warned about counterfeit cigarettes which police believe are being sold across Nottinghamshire.
School nativity photo ban row A father from Leicester is angry after police stopped him from taking photos at his daughter's nativity play.

Norfolk Railway Society: Norfolk railway news
Network Rail has told the Bittern Line CRP that it is happy to consider reinstating rails across Station Road, Sheringham as an “occasional use” connection.

Chink of light for Sheringham crossing?
Network Rail has told the Bittern Line CRP that it is happy to consider reinstating rails across Station Road, Sheringham as an “occasional use” connection. The link, which would be paid for by the North Norfolk Railway, would enable trains from the national network to reach the NNR six to eight times a year, according to spokesman Colin Borg.

Even with NR’s change of attitude, other hurdles remain: obtaining planning permission, defining safety measures for the crossing, and laying rails over what is now a ‘community garden’.

More ambitious plans to run Bittern Line trains into the NNR station on a regular basis are unlikely to go ahead

Monday 17 December 2007 - 09:16PM (GMT)

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