Thursday 13 December 2007

Thursday Annual Leave day

Entry for 13 December 2007 End of the day
I got the 1336 Norwich Thorpe p5b to Great Yarmouth (170271 I think ? carpets getting a bit worn out).
I cam back on 156402, 1747 Great Yarmouth Vaxuhall p3 to Norwich Thorpe.

I got two bottle of Coca-Cola from Boots, another £2:20 on Breakfast, £11:47 on three Christmas gifts from Morrisons.

I got two letter, one being my new bank card, the other from Simon Wright (Liberal Democrat Norwich South), letter about the former Norwich Brewery Offices, Lorry & site, seem they has been vandalism to the temp steel fencework on King Street, trash & other item been dup there (fly-tipping).
They also ask for comments on this or any other issue.

Other than that, this has been a strange day, but every day is strange.
It feel strange not to know many people, but live in a city, Norwich is not a friendly place to live, mostly they do not talk to you, if they do not like you, so it not as bad, as some places, but it far from friendly still.

Most of the people I mixed with, mostly family, have past away or if not, I do not know, moved on (as I have ? ).
Better going & do something, like watch a DVD.

Thursday 13 December 2007 - 10:48PM (GMT)
Entry for 13 December 2007 Thursday Annual Leave Day
Today is the most early I got up, at about 1220 hours.
I am going to Great Yarmouth, may be on the 1336 Norwich thorpe to Vaxuhall.

I again wached DVD to the early hours of the morning, could not sleep.
Was watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season four.
It amazing how, the
characters in it, get throw about & knocked out a lot, sometime by a single blow to the head, without any lasting damage, in buffy case, or a vampire or demon, it goes with the story, but when a human ? I do not think in real life, they could do such a thing without lasting damage.
But that is Sci-fi, so it much more easy to do, but RAMBO is not Sci-fi, a man goes though a place, inavtes a place with a army & kill everyone, one man vs a army (or was that Commodore ? )
then there is the A Team, the bad boys get shot, car crash & come out, with nothing, just look a big dizzy & that is it, near the end, when when they the A-Team, they lock them up, with everything they need to break out & beat the bad men.
Life is so much easy on TV, you know what is bad, who are good & that good is better than bad & everyone lives happy every after ?

Better be going now

Thursday 13 December 2007 - 01:11PM (GMT)

The BIG Lottery Fund has announced that Sustrans’ Connect2 has been crowned the winner of The People’s £50 Million Lottery contest; the biggest ever award to be decided by a public vote.

So the one I voted for did not win (Sherwood Forest), which is a little sad, my opinion is still, a lot of 'Connect2' are projects that should be funded by Local Councils or Dept of Transport, How many public roads are funded this way ? I would not think none, but half build cycle / walk-way bridges over motorway are one of the things, going to funded by this ?, I think it should of been done when the motorway was build, with the funds from that project.
may be it will lead to lower Council Tax bill for us all, some how I do not think so.
  • Eden Project: The Edge
  • Sherwood: The Living Legend
  • Black Country Urban Park

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