Thursday 20 December 2007

Thursday 0730 to 1430 Ipswich

White Woman Lane students of Yesteryear!
This is the Faceparty Group, I had been this this very nasty school, I did not like my short time there, which I think I post about on Live Journal about.
Old Catton is the Place For Me
Michael Turner wrote
at 6:30am on December 17th, 2007
I used to live at 178 Desmond Drive, it was new house when my mum moved there, one of the thing I remember was, there was so few shops then & even then, needed a long walk to get to them (1978 to 1979).

Another day at work, 0730 to 1430 at Ipswich.
I was very sleepy, when I got home, went to bed for a few hours (did some shopping at Morrisons).

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