Wednesday 9 November 2022

Just Stop Oil halt traffic on M25 for THIRD consecutive day

I am very mixed about how they protest they cause, still they got a message that should be understood.

I fear that they action will cause people to close they mind to this theory, but as the use of oil 🛢 is os normal in our lifestyle for many years, I do not know what they can do better, to make us reflect on this, and to change what we do?

I would think of this as peaceful protest, just it is a cause of some conflict with others, that see our use of oil now, as, so normal, and not harmful in they own lives. 

Still the use of oil, coal, gas has been harmful, even if we find it easy to lie to ourselves about it, and many experts, scientist  who have looked into this, need to be researched to add to the skills of debate,

 Many companies, and popular opinion want us to keep enjoying our own lives, change is not easy, when it will affect our lives, but may be for the future, we need that change, and may be we can find better ways to overcome our prolems when we do not ignore them.

I do not think I am a supporter of "Just Stop Oil", but they opinions need to be understood, and we do need to show more respect of they opinions and fears.
Even if that is hard to do.   

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