Monday 14 November 2022

Brexit: What Have We Learned So Far?

This is from 9 months ago, which I might of watched before.
In 2016, I did not think Bexit was a good idea, as I did not think Westminster or the UK, did have a bad deal, our government has negotiate and agree to each deal, so they had they voice, and many things, the UK had a op-out of what the others agree to do, like the Euro.

I also thought that Westminster would have to do a lot more, to have this massive change, in negotiations with many sides, like the "Over Ready Deal" that was used in the 2019 election, but afterwards seem to be not acceptable to the very people who agreed to it?

I am still watching this video, a question of young people going to work in other EU countries, the Freedom of Movement in EU made it much more easy to go and live in other parts of the EU, for many more people.
There also a lot of British who have moved to more sunny parts of EU in retirement, or even just  got second homes, to use in winter months.

May be I took my knowage of this, is from TV shows like Auf Wiedersehen Pet, Eldorado (1992), Benidorm (from 2007), which is telling stories to  entertainment and get more viewers, than información ℹ about the real life.

Still I think it can be, and has been for many people a very positive thing for many to move around the EU, and the benefits for the people who do this, can be, making your dream come true, still of course may be sometimes that can be a nightmare when thing go wrong? 

 I want to write something that was better than this, lol 😂 I am not very good writer, silly me.

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