Tuesday 22 November 2022

Notes to myself

  I been reading some negative things about what is England / British on Twitter, a opinion that seems to get advice from groups at 55 Tufton Street, London  and very right wing politicians who want to promote a more selfish way, and divided society.

I of course got my own view of my life and how I did grow up, each of us will be different and in some way can match.

When I was growing up, some people who was disliked, and it seem popular to, by jokes or others words.

People who seem to be different are more easy to dislike, or even fear sometimes, that can be used by some people to gain control over people, sadly, may be to win a pont of view or just gain more, in any way?

Is immigration new, I can not remember when it was not said as new, it always been new, as people talk about now, not the past as some version of what they seen or view, of growing up.

In the 70's Windrush was debate by , the Troubles had the affect (by many who ignored the causes and history), 

nhs recruitment centre Caribbean, London Transport, British Rail, and others that needed staff got people to come to the "Motherland", I think the term that might of been used, 

The UK needed people, workers, and they came, to help.
The County has changed, I type this drinking Tea, which is know to be very English, but not always has been.
Now some people think Curry is a English food, like fish & chips (with curry sauce), and in many ways, it has become that.

We have changed a lot since the Roman's, and into the future, we will change, even if in a personal point of view we might fear that, I my own opinion, we are better to help that change to be more of a connect society, than promote a diverse and feed fear.

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