Saturday 26 November 2022

Benidorm - A 4-STAR HOLIDAY FOR 🌟UNDER £22?🌟 IT COULD BE YOU!!☀️πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡¦✈️😎🀞🏻❤...


I was thinking I was not going to share this, because of the The Sun πŸ’© , but that has not much to do with the story, still I was thinking to myself why I do not like this newspaper, and the "News of the World", even the Daily Mail and Daily Express do not make me feel so negative, even if I mostly do not agree with them.
The newspapers above promote a more division in the UK and the four nations that form this political union, that many think Westminster and Sothern England have too much control of, which is more easy if there was less mistakes, lies πŸ€₯ and greediness in the so-called mistakes.

Many people who are less well-off are paying the price of the mistakes of people in leadership roles at Westminster, and the newspaper πŸ—ž in the UK seems to promote this point of view, by blaming everyone else but the very people who are responsible.

There are also many political groups that promote hate and fear of others who we see as diffrent ,  to make this opinion as "Common Sense", in the way the National Front done in the 1970s, and in my opinion, to follow this, or it to become popular, it can harm others and promote more hateful views, which can damage everyone.

I think I dislike The Sun because they more open about it, owned by someone from Australia, who has lived in Britain  and now holds USA citizenship, who has a big say in all three counties, promoting fear of people who have little or no say, but promoting the fear 😱 of so called "Illegal Humans", sorry they use the term "Illegal immigrants" .

If we want to control immigration, then the system need to be albe to work for everyone, need investment to help it work and not seen as a cost that needs to be cut. We need to work with other counties, finding out the problems to fix them, for people to have a safe way to come here.
We always had immigration, to our county and from, people move about, even before the jet age.

 Still I had writing all this, and it got nothing to do with the video πŸ“Ή about the holiday, silly πŸ˜‹ me , I also write πŸ“ πŸ’© , 

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