Saturday 26 November 2022

UK migration hits all-time high - is it the new normal or a one-off?

We look at Australia ๐ŸŒ and some people say the same things.
Australia 2.970 million sq miles๐ŸŒ is bigger than India 1.269 million sq miles, but 26,177,413 is much more than 1,388,052,928 (1.38 billion) As of January 7, 2022.

It is not as simple as the number show, and what I take from this, might be something else for others, still like Australia, we are told by the press, that we are too full, may be some of us dream of the good old days, or a version of being British / English that has changed more than we would like? 
I do think that being diffrent is something we should show better respict for, but I too have  my own views of what it is, and that is not the same as what is popular.
The Mini, Minor, Maxi are known for being British, made in the UK by this British company, designed by Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis CBE FRS RD, who is much more British than I could ever be, he was born 18 November 1906, SmyrnaOttoman Empire.
Did he take my job , home, land, or something else away from me, of course not, but he gave so much to this county, it easy for me to say this, for his cars are well know "British", and we find it easy to forget, because it do not matter where he was born.
When I go to my GP, see a nurse, have my bins empty, etc, etc, I do not ask where they born or where they parents, do they look the same as me, do they follow the same region as me, are they politically the same as me, etc, 
I just want them to do a good job, well hopefully.
If I want my country and the UK to flourish, I need not care about my own fears, dislikes, and demand better leadership, not blame other who we might see as diffrent or "Strangers", because many outsiders can make our little worlds inside our own heads better, and our view point can become brighter ๐Ÿ”† when we include more people, life is a team sport, to share. 

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