Friday 3 February 2023

Thursday 21:30 to 04:30 Thorpe Station 🚉

 [21:01, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745010 platform 1 for 21:02 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street late shift

745106 platform 2 locked 🔐 up

[21:21, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745004 platform 1 arrived at 21:21 for 22:02 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 something

[21:48, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745005 platform 2 arrived at

[21:55, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755334 platform 3B for 22:40 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge

[21:56, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755410 platform 5B for 22:05 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central vacuum carpet

[22:03, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745005 platform 2 to be loved to Low Level

[22:11, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755404 platform 6 arrived at22:10  for 22:40 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central

[22:14, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745005 Low Level arrived at

[22:43, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745008 platform 2 for 23:05 Norwich Thorpe Ipswich

[22:46, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745109 platform 1 is lock 🔐 up

[22:48, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745003 platform 4 arrived at 22:47 for ?

[22:52, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755338 platform 6 arrived at 22:51 for 23:00 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth vacuum carpets

[23:24, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745002 platform 2 arrived at 23:24 for quick clean

[23:44, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755420 platform 4B for vacuum carpets

[23:57, 02/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: I am so confused right now?

[00:08, 03/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755338 platform 1 arrived at 00:08 vacuum cleaner

[00:14, 03/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755409 platform 1a vacuum carpets

[00:20, 03/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755404 platform 5B vacuum carpets

[00:24, 03/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745007 platform 3 arrived at 00:24 for quick clean

[01:59, 03/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745010 platform 4

[02:26, 03/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745005 Low Level A B C

[02:27, 03/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745010 platform 4 will be next A B C stable clean

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