Wednesday 1 February 2023

Notes to myself about today.

 I did sleep a lot more today, still got my Microsoft Bing reward point, and MSN weather E-Tree points.

as I will be on night from Thursday to Thursday next week, I can get all 600 extra point for E-Trees.
The only day I will not, is the next Saturday 10th February, as I will be working from 07:30 to 19:30, so no extra point for E-Trees.

I did go out in the afternoon, to Queen of Iceni, the prices had gone up at Wetherspoons again, Greene King was from £1:79 to £1:92.
San Miguel was from £3:99 I think to £4:14.
The price at London airport Weatherspoons is a bit higher than that, and I am sure at the Railway station too, as of course rents will be higher, and other costs.

I came back home, to get 200 points for my E-Tree after 16:00 (could do that till 18:00), as it got three time slots to get 200 points, from 08:00 to 10:00, 12:00 to 14:00 & from 16:00 to 18:00.

I then went out, with the aim of going to Poundland, as I need to fix my work trousers πŸ‘–, 
At PoundLand Riverside, I seen some glasses πŸ‘“, from £1, £1:50 & gold colour for £3, which I got, there seem to be a lot better looking that when I looked at Poundland at Castle Mail a few years ago, for me it hard to see that the glasses cost only £1 to £3.
I got cheap classes before, costing around £30 each, from Boots ano another shop, in around 2019 I think, one pair is a bit worn out, and another I use for work are still ok.
My first pair of glasses πŸ‘“ was from Boots, cost £160, made for me, they still in good order, but I do not like using them as much, as I do not want to lose or breck them, at that price. 
So I been using more cheap one, and now, unlike when I got my Boots one, in 2017 I think, I need them much more, to read.

Still the Poundland glasses look a lot better, and more like the £30 ones, which shows how great vaule they are.
Just IMHO, and I only got them, I find out how long they last.

I also got a USB Mouse, gaming mouse it says on the box, for £4.

Prices have gone up since the last time I was in the Queen of Iceni, Monday night, after work. 

Small fish and chips, 

My three new glasses πŸ‘“ I got from Poundland.
£1, £1:50 & £3 for Gold colour, cases cost £1 each.
Need to protect them.

the USB mouse I am using now.
I was using Lenovo mouse that I got with my Lenovo G50 laptop in 2016.

Need to fix my work trousers πŸ‘– 

I got some snacks the second time in Queen of Iceni. 
I spend a little time the first time I was in Queen of Iceni to check the price in other places, Wetherspoons, some places are cheaper than Norwich, and some have a higher price. 

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