Tuesday 7 February 2023

Monday 21:30 to 04:30 Thorpe Station 🚉 three hours overtime

 [20:31, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: --------- Monday Night ----------

[21:07, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 Low Level
[21:30, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745003 platform 1 for 22:02 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street
[21:34, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 21:50 quick clean
[21:52, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745110 platform 2 1P62 arrived at 21:52 for quick clean 🪥🧹🧼 then Norwich Victoria Sidings
[22:04, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755420 platform 5 for 21:05 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central not cleaned
[22:05, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755412 platform 3B for 22:40 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge cleaning 🧼🧹
[22:09, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755416 platform 6 arrived at 22:08 for 22;40 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central
[22:17, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: H coach locked out of use blocked
[22:27, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745104 platform 2 arrived at 22:27 for 23:05 Norwich Thorpe to Ipswich cleaning 🧹🧼
[22:38, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755407  platform 4B for 22:45 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham cleaning 🧹🧼
[22:47, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755403 platform 6 arrived at 22:48 for 23:00 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall cleaning 🧼🧹

755409 & 755325 platform 5 B to A
[22:52, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745004 platform 1 arrived just now
[23:23, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745007 platform 2 arrived at
[23:23, 06/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 Low Level stable clean 🪥 A B C
[00:32, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745106 platform 1 arrived at 00:30 for stable clean A BC
[02:17, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 platform 4 arrived at 01:25 for sable clean
[02:32, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: Low level 755336
[02:32, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755335
[02:37, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755337 clean from depot
[02:44, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755336 dirty
[02:44, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: Jubilee next
[02:49, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755420 next to walk way
[03:00, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755405 platform 6  755407 platform 5A
[03:08, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755415 platform 6 dirty

745006 Platform 4 Stable Clean A, B, C, done bins with new liners, wipe tables, top of side heaters, head rest on seat that are dust traps, pick up trash.
..................................................................Carpets had been vaccum and windows clean by someone else. CPD. 

[04:03, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner:
A. 745101 (745006) for 05:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street - Station Stable Clean 🪥🧹🧼 as 745006?

B. 745007 CPD for 05:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street - Depot Clean

C. 745001 Low Level for 06:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street - Station Stable Clean 🪥🧹🧼

D. 745106 platform 1 for 06:28 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street - Station Stable Clean 🪥🧹🧼

E. 07:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street not listed.

F. 745102 CPD for 07:26 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street - Depot Clean

G. 745108 1RD - for TBA - Depot Clean

H. 745110 Norwich Victoria Sidings for 19:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street - station Quick Clean

J. 745004 CPD for HOLD - DEPOT CLEAN 🧼🧹🪥

K. 745104 Ipswich for 05:12 …
[04:59, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745106 platform 1 for 1P01 05:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street .

745006 platform 4 for 1P03 05:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street.
[05:29, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 5P07 745001 Low Level 06:28 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street
[05:37, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 Low Level just left for platform 2
[05:41, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 that was in Low Level changed to 5P05, so 06:04 Norwich Thorpe platform 1 to London Liverpool Street, 5P07 at CPD reception signal 535 waiting for platform 2 and 06:28 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street, feeling cold waiting, lol
[05:44, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 platform 1 arrived at 05:44 for 1P05 06:04 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street
[05:48, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: Plat1 at Norwich Victoria Sidings by signal 1751, may be after 06:04 left, 5P07 got signal for platform 2
[05:50, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745102 platform 2 5P07 arrived at 05:50 for 1P07 06:28 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street check
[06:10, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745010 platform 1 arrived at 06:11 for 1P13 07:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street check.

5P15 at CPD reception signal 535 waiting for 06:28 to leave.
[06:36, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755401 platform 5 2S01arrived at 06:36  for 2J64 06:45 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central 

5P15 coming into platform 2
[06:41, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745007 platform 2 for 07:26 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street
[06:55, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745420 platform 5B arrived at 06:55 for 07:15 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham
[07:04, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 2P03 to 2S08 on platform 5B 07:15 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham
[07:12, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755407 platform 6 2S03 arrived at 07:13 from Sherringham for 2C08 07:36 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall
[07:20, 07/02/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745109 platform 1 1P00 arrived at 07:19 for 1P19 08:03 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street - Early shift

I did not need to collect three Evening Standards for Monday, as someone kidly done it for me.
So a more relaxed start for me.
Thje night seem to go quite well, even if I dod not enjoy everything, and well thought something will go wrong.
I did missread or may be it was just wrong number, the Low Level I thought I read it on my work phone, "Open Trains" app, 745001 was 5P07, but this changed to 5P05, so I got that wrong.

I had help on the last stable clean, so the carpets on ABC 745006, and windows cleaned before I started on platform 4, a lot of help.

Morrisons cheap bread is getting cheaper again.
I went shopping on my way to work.

Could see two planes in the sky, this is on my BlackView A55 Pro.

Can see the moon in the sky over Norwich, quite low and big, in real life.

As I walk on King Street, near Music House Lane, I seen three more planes in the sky, the skys seem so busy.
When I see the planes when walk to and from work, or even at work, I wish I was living somewhere else, I wishing for a life of a dream, than what I feel unhappy about now.
It nice to have dreams, but need more than that, to make a dream to become real life.

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