Friday 3 February 2023

Notes to myself.

 I had a eye sight test with Boots on Thursday 7th December 2015 at 14:40 hours, and from this, I needed glasses for reading.

I bought a pair, paying £160 for a more cheaper pair, that I like the look of, I think I got them on 16th of December 2015, as they needed to be made up, so I got a slip of paper saying about approximant.

then I did not use them much at all, I did not feel that I did need them, may be I also did not feel very comfortable wearing them.

Latter on, but can not remember even the year right now, I seen Boots had cheap glasses πŸ‘“ for reading, around £30, I got two pairs, which have lasted a few years, but one pair is a little worn out, but the other is still quite good.

I had looked at Poundland, 99p Store glasses then, and did not like them, they looked too cheap for me?

But Wednesday 1st February2023  I went to Poundland and got three pair of glasses πŸ‘“  £1, £1:50 & £1:50, that are a lot cheaper, of course, but to me, feel good, and I like the look of them.

I been using them since I got them that day, and they feel very comfortable on me.

I had watched video of someone else talking about Poundland glasses πŸ‘“ on his You Tube videos of Tenerife, seems a good idea when traveling a lot, to use more cheaper, as rick of damage and losing them.

I very much like the new glasses πŸ‘“ I got, if I was used to spending hundreds of pounds πŸ’· on designer glasses πŸ‘“, well that something else, as I am not, then I more than happy with cheap.

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