Sunday 1 January 2023

Saturday New Year Eve 21:30 to 04:30 Thorpe Station 🚉

 [08:08, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: ------------------------ Saturday Night ----New Year Eve ------

[21:15, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 745010 platform 4 lock 🔐 up and left soon

[21:16, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 745007 platform 3

[21:28, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 platform 2 for 22:00 Norwich Thorpe to Ingatestone cleaning inside and cabs

[21:30, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 745010 Low Level

[21:44, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 745102 platform 4 quick clean

[21:58, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755412 platform 5B for 22:05 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central

[22:05, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755408 platform 6 for 22:40 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central

[22:08, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755415 platform 5B

[22:13, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755337 platform 5A arrived at 22:13

[22:14, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755415 platform 5B for 22:40 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge

[22:18, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 745007 platform 1 for 23:05 Norwich Thorpe to Ipswich

[22:22, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 platform 2 arrived at 22:19 for lock 🔐 up

[22:29, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755414 platform 4B arrived at

[22:39, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755414 platform 4B is 23:05 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham

[22:41, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755410 platform 4a might be 23:05 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham?

[22:47, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755338 platform 6 arrived at 22:47  for 23:00 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall

[22:48, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755401 Jubilee arrived at

[23:31, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755420 platform 6 clean

[23:38, 31/12/2022] Michael Noël Turner: 755412 Middle Road arrived at, nothing

[00:04, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755338 platform 4B clean

[00:07, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755407 platform 2B arrived at

[00:13, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755408 platform 2a

[00:19, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745009 platform 3 arrived at

[01:02, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745009 platform 3 now going to CPD, change of plan

[01:13, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745010 Low Level Stable Clean A B C D

[01:34, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755413 Low Level arrived at 01:34 looks clean

[02:11, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 platform 4

[02:12, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 platform 3 arrived at 02:12

[02:17, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755407 platform 2B

755413 platform 2B check ✔️

[02:21, 01/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 platform 1 left at 02:21

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