Saturday 21 January 2023

The Breaking Up of the Daniel J. Morrell

Now I do not know much about shipping, so I watch this video from little knowledge on this subject.
accidents can be a way to learn how to avoid them, in the future, well when we understand what was the cause or help that happen.

It easy to think of who is to blame, or who is more easy to blame, but then we might miss the reasons for what happen and why people make mistakes in the first place.
None of us are going to be perfect, but by better training and understand our and others, we can try to cut  the reason of mistakes.

For some people H&S is just red tape, I do not think so, may be some are hard to understand, but each one has reason for it, even if many of us do not understand.

Still I do not know anything about ships, but the people who work in this trade do.

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