Sunday 29 January 2023

Sunday 14:30 to 21:30 Thorpe Station 🚉

 [14:06, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745110 platform 3 for 15:23 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street early shift

[14:08, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755413 & 755408 Low Level
[14:22, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745004 platform 2 for 15:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥
[15:17, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745008 platform 1 1P32 arrived at 15:17 for 1P53 16:23 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 may be? 

745110 platform 3 for 1P49 15:23 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street - cleaned by early shift.

1P51 16:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street from CPD?
[15:34, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 5P51 left CPD reception
[15:36, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 platform 3 5P51 arrived at 15:36 for 1P51 16:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street from CPD
[15:43, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: As 745001 is clean from CPD, going to vacuum carpets on 745008
[16:06, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: Vacuum all 12 coaches on 745008
[16:15, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745007 platform 2 1P36 arrived at 16:16 for 1P55 17:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥
[17:16, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 platform 2 1P40 arrived at 17:16  for 1P59 18:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼🧹 inside and cabs 🪥
[18:17, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745010  platform 2 arrived at 18:16 for 19:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs plus toilets
[18:50, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 1P44 to 1P63
[19:15, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745004 platform 2 1P50 arrived at 19:16  for 1P67 20:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼🧹 inside and cabs plus toilets 🚻🚽🚾
[19:37, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745110 arrival clean before 11pm, going into Low Level
[19:41, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745110 platform 1 arrived at 19:41 for lock 🔐 up and move to Low Level need cleaning 🧹🧼 before 23:00 move to Norwich Victoria Sidings
[19:49, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745110 platform 1 done coaches A to F trash and bins, badly
[19:56, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745110 platform 1 left at 19:56
[20:07, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745110 Low Level arrived at for super light speed clean
[20:16, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 platform 1 arrived at 20:14 for 21:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼🧹 inside and cabs plus toilet 🚾🚻🚽
[20:35, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 1P56 to 1P72. 21:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 745001
[20:44, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745008 platform 1 1P58 arrived at  20:44  for second quick clean, 🪥🧹🧼
Only two staff on London side, one doing locals.
[21:11, 29/01/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745008 platform 1 left at 21:11

The quick clean at 20:44, 745008 carpets, seems to be ok on my side, A to F, I had vacuum carpets when it was the 16:23, not because I was told to, but thought 💭 it might be a quick clean latter and would look cleaner for the customers.
Now many people do not understand what I mean by motivation, each of us need the right way to be motivated, I am sure many of us feel worthlessness, but that will not motivate us, well me? We need to be valued, understood, and we even need to understand ourselves, what makes us do things, and know what is needed, we need to understand our role, IMHO.

People want to impress others who they see as better than them, we need to impress others who we see less than ourselves too, to help each other, make a better future, we so much demand, or keep.

May be my own ego need to be fed, and my words lack, and can not be understood, I am far from perfecto in this, I am selfish and greedy for my own needs.
I need the right motivation too, and I not a good person to judge when I have a very much involvement, I hope to be on my own side, even if I make so many mistakes in life, I am my worst enemy sometimes. 

Life is strange and hard to understand, still we need to try, and do our best, even if we have little reason why? 

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