Tuesday 31 January 2023

Militant Labour | British Labour Party | TV Eye | 1981

I just watching this.
I was young in the 1980's, and did not understand, may be still do not, what was going on around me.
The Looney Left, Militant, Labour, are seen as too left wing and for people who are a little bit outside the normal mainstream.

But each of our citizens, or in the UK, Subjects or the King & Queen, need to have a voice in they life, even if that do not mean they have it over others.

We might need to understand each other views, in doing this, well try, as none of us are perfect.

Now I was born in Norwich, Robert Kett was seen as outspoken, in his time, and did more than just support trade unions, he took the side of the common people, which is not popular with some part of our society.

He was killed for "Treason", in Norwich, as his brother William was hanged in Wymondham. 

This was the level of debate in that age, we have got better with time, still we have stigmatization of others who disagree or hold views outside of the popular opinion,, of our society.

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