Thursday 26 January 2023

The Kitchen Debate and the Soda Pop Navy

"I just watched this, for the debate with Nikita Khrushchev & Richard Nixon, that has gone down in history, each side has reasons, and we when we can understand each other with honesty than just protecting ourselves, we might find ways of working togther better, than repeat the mistakes of the past, we do not need more wars, but we are all different, and more respect of why, than hate. 

How we make that, well we need to debate with honesty and understanding of each other, as it way beyond my own thoughts ๐Ÿ’ญ and knowledge. "

I seem to write ๐Ÿ“ silly thing, but at the time, I feel emitions that I put into words, may be I am crazy to think people can work with each other, but many ways we do that everyday, and more than wer know.
I know that in many ways, we also abuse and use each other, for our own gain, no one is perfect, but we want to be? Some of us are better and more stonger at this game of life, I am not a good judge in that, even if I have my own personal opinions, based on little information โ„น, even in this age when we can so easy think we know it all, but end up with finding out we got nothing at all.
I better stop now, as I just making this up, and can not back anything up with links or reasons.
We still need to talk more and judge less, that is for all to do, not just one side, that makes it harder to do, as we need to work together?

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