Friday 20 October 2023

A Brief Look at Jordan Peterson - SOME MORE NEWS

I just watching this, about one person who many people follow, for advice and knowledge.

Now days, with the internet, and more public platforms, more people can talk in public,  even most of us can write, on platform like this, go on Twitter, make video for You Tube, etc with a mobile phone.
So when millions follow some people, make them a expert on everything, is it just "Common Sense" that is being cover up by "MSM" .

I was thinking, I go to a GP/ Doctor for help on my health, my be I go to "Estate Agent" to sell a house, but may be a man in a pub, after he had drunk 20 pints of "Fab Four" ale, might have some great advice, as well.

well it more easy to go to a pub, and there lots of people with strong opinions, when they are drunk, may be when they are even drinking tea of coffee too, they might have some good advice, they might even sound like they make sense, but the advice they give, is not back up by anything.

Well I think I more like a man in a pub with this advice, but now days, if I make it sound great for some people, then I could get millions of followers, who even spend money to read my stuff, that I could of just made up, with no logic but to make money, than to find solution to the problems ?
Some people are paid to promote ideas and thoughts, as they attack the professional media for doing what they have done.

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