Saturday 28 October 2023

Back to Saturday

Ruddles Best Country Ale by Greene King, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.

10 pack of 10 440ml can of Ruddles Best £7
10 pack of 440ml can of Cruzcampo beer for £10
10 bread rolls 89p

Me in Morrisons Riverside

My shopping

can see the moon in the clouds

The Moon

I thought I did not take this photo, as I try, but it seems not to have saved it? 

I sometimes get Greene King Ruddles Best at Wetherspoons, it was very cheap, around £1:29 or around that, but I think I been to other Weatherspoons where it was 99p, just a year or two ago.

Now it is £1:99 a pint, which I been drinking more of, as the prices of others beer go up.

Morrsions had a 500ml bottle of Ruddles Best for £1:29, which I been getting the last few months.

Then last week I seen the ten 440ml  can of Ruddles, which I did not get, as I was still a little recovering , but today I thought I get a cheap drink, and I thought Queen of Iceni will be busy, so drinking at home.

I notice Cruzcampo on show, just after the same gates to the shopping area, pack of 10 440ml can of Cruzcampo for £10, I pick that up, as well.

Plus bread rolls.

I am drinking Ruddles and it do not feel the same taste, but then again, I also got a cup of tea, milk and honey, may be not a good mix, when I take a drink of one or the other? get my taste buds confused 😜

I am back to work Sunday, working a Rest Day, need to work a lot more overtime now.   


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