Wednesday 27 September 2023

Wednesday last week

 Last Wednesday, I went to the back of the hotel, on floor 5, this place has two , with lifts, one that not working.

Both looking rough , I also notice that there is more rooms, as well, so then I done a walk around the back, the street at the back of the hotel is full of cars and trash.

There much more at the back than I thought, then the other side, with wheelchair entry, then back to the front, which is where it looks it best.

I was looking at Lewis department store building, now just part of it, used as a gym, so people are still going into here.

I done a list of how many department store I know of, in Norwich, I try to do the same again.

1. John Lewis (used to be Bonds)

2. Marks & Spencer

3. Debenhams (now closed)

4. House of Fraser

5. Jarrold (local)

6. Roys (local)

7. Co-Op (that now Wilko, that going to close) 

8. British Home Stores (BHS)

Then there are shops that might be seen as department stores in some ways, and not in others.

9. Wilko

10. Woolworths 

11. Littlewoods

So that was just listing from memory of Norwich.

I done this list the first time standing outside The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, looking at Lewis department store, so think what makes a Department Store?

Like Wiko's could be listed as Hardware store more, and I see that how Google Maps list it, but then I see Marks & Spencer it says is Supermarket? .

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