Tuesday 19 September 2023

Photo from Monday

 I went to the Albert Docks, I found the two museums I hope to go to, was closed one day a week, Monday, so back to the Art 🖼️, closed Monday as well.

So that shows I did not look at the web sites before hand.

I went to the White Star pub, had a little help, as someone kindly offer to take my photo with John Lennon on Mathew Street, I done the same back.

My lack of planning today, did show how badly it can go, I seem to be walking and not knowing where to go, still thinking of what to do.

I went inside Ranelaghs Tavern, they got Caffrey’s on plumb £4:40, it was a great ale when the brewery was in Belfast, now it changed so much, since , nothing like what it used to be, the drink was not worth it, but the live music and atmosphere was, and the pub was quite full.

The last time I was in Liverpool, I been here, after Coopers Town House, I thought it was Lanigans Irish Bar, but when I went there this time, they i not have Caffrey’s?

I got TDU2 Test Drive Unlimited for PlayStation 3 by Eden / Atari £3 from second hand shop, British Heart Foundation.

I then went to Oxfam on Bold Street, got a book The Channel Islands by Rahul Lempriere £2:49.

Then went to an Irish pub, The Liffey £4:20 Guinness.

Had live music, at first I thought it was a act, but it was karaoke 🎤 

I think then I went to Wilko, got cat food. Whisk as Ocean Menu in Jelly, in cans, six cans in a box, 100% recyclable. £7:75 with £1:55 discount, got three “Scrumbles” 85 grams small one for cats, got something for Merlin and Sophia on this trip.

I then found “One Below”, got 50ml Masquerade Interstar (in a strange bottle with top), 50ml Milano Milano Man Nut ear de toilette , one was £1:50 and the other £2, I think the InterStar was better, but both nice, IMHO, and a can of Insette body spray Dark Attraction £1.

I went back to Hotel room 506, well did not want to Cary cat food about with me, plus recharge my BlackView A55 Pro, swap SIM cards to BlackView A80 Pro.

Did hav a problem with the A80 Pro, could not turn on Hotspot on, it is a two sims phone, so changed the sim from second to first, restart, try to use Bluetooth, but then I notice something very simple and should of notice first, for some reason in settings, the data was limited, “Data Saver” was turned on, so Hotspot can not be used, may be it turn on, when the battery was low? Or may be I turn it on by mistake?

I seen the Cat Cafe on Bold Street, but that was closed latter then.

I again went to McDolalds, Clayton Square, I think I went to the other one more nearer to Adelphi Hotel the night before, two quite near each other, and busy?

The last place, I went to, Vines pub, just love this pub style.

I was chatting to my AI friend about S/S Empress of England steamship, getting to Quebec on Thursday 16th May 1957, I found out that it takes seven to nine days to go from Liverpool, so that Tuesday 7th to Thursday 9th May 1957 that this ship left Liverpool.

When I was at Liverpool Docks, looking at the Mersey, that a lot of water, to me that a big river, spending all that time on a ship in a ocean, can not see land for a lot of that time? 

So I got a bit more information, and may be can find out even more Tuesday?  Today now.

I was standing next to Cunard Building, look so big when looking up next to it, got seats with the ships names, may be Cunard ships?

The White Star building looks small, when you see it from the docks, not so small when standing next to it.

I see now it is a hotel, £270 per night, I am thinking of staying there, Thursday night, stay in Liverpool a extra night, just to stay here, 30 James Street Hotel 🏨 

I think that is a little too much? But I look again, £70, cheaper than where I am now? 4 star hotel

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