Friday 5 May 2023

Thursday 21:30 to 04:30 Thorpe Station

 ------- Thursday Night Shift --------

745001 platform 1 for 21:02 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745102 platform 2 lock 🔒 up
745102 Royal Dock arrived at 21:14
745002 platform 1 arrived at 21:20 for 21:02 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street
20:49 quick clean
745101 platform 1 21:48
755402 platform 6 for 22:40 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central
745109 platform 1 arrived at 22:20 for second quick clean, 745101 first quick clean
755406 platform 5 arrived at 22:31
755329 platform 4 b arrived at 22:35 for 22:45 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham vacuum carpets
745008 platform 2 arrived at 22:47 for 23:05 Norwich Thorpe to Ipswich trash and bins J K
745102 Royal Dock left at 22:51
745102 platform 1 arrived at 22:58
745010 Royal Dock
755407 platform 6 arrived at 00:02 vacuum carpets
755402 platform 5B arrived at 00:12 vacuum carpets
755408 platform 5A arrived at 00:16 vacuum carpets
755404 platform 7 vacuum carpets
CD coaches tonight
745006 platform 2 arrived at 00:25
745102 platform 1 stable clean C D ,
745006 platform 2 and 745010 Royal Dock may be
745006 platform 2 stable clean C D
745102 platform 1 for 1P01 05:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745006 platform 2 1P03 for 05:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street
745010 Royal Dock 06:04 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

The Local Election was help on Thursday 4th May 2023, for my area, this was for Norwich City Council.
I am now in Mancroft Ward, it was changed just before Covid 19? I think from memory.
I used to vote at Wensum Lodge, which was just on the other side of road to my home.
First time after the change, Thorpe Hamlet and Mancroft had two tables there, but then the next I voted at Catle Mail (last year I think), then this year, for the first time I think (but might be wrong, I might have seen polling station sign out of this place before) my voting was "The Julian Centre", St Julians Alley, between Rouen Road and King Street.

Voting House 7am to 10pm.
This was a first election, voters need ID, that might seem strange that you do not need ID before, but as the voting is so low in Local Elections, I do not think, this will help.

I voted for Amanda Fox, I do not know her, well I do not know many people,I have meet councillors for the Green Party in the past, who are in Thorpe Hamlet, and I did vote for local issues, I think they bring something to the City Council, which is controled by Norwich Labour Party.
Now I can say a lot about the City Council and County Council, but many times and issues they agree on, and the County Hall is Conservative.

Outside Norwich, in Norfolk, more voters are Conservtives, there was a time a few years ago, UKiP won a few seats from Conservatives, so they worked with Labour in lead, and with the Green Party to run County Hall, for Local issues, but then the Conservative won the seats back from UKiP, and got control back.

I do not think there will be much change in Norwich City Council, in my area, well street, only Green Party put leaflets out?

Sometimes I think it is more easy to moan about problems than understand what is wrong, and find the solutions that others understand, each of us think our Council should do more for us, but not for others?

I do think, that the Conservatives Westminster goverenment have done a lot of damage to the UK role in the world, and has promoted hate of many British citizens, many of whom might not of been born in this land, but have proved themself more British than me, and many others who have.
We should do more for the Windrush generation, who come here when we ask them, to fill jobs that was needed, it was our Westminster government  and many public organizations, who need they work, at the time.
I was young in the 1970's, and I seen only part of the hate they have recived or was talked about, for looking different because how light refelects off they skin, the National Front was about then, and now we got the new version of the Conservatives who talk like that on Twitter, to get the support from British First or other similar groups?

We need to come up with solutions to our problems, by understanding them better, than just sogans and bullshit, used to promote this hate of people who seem different to us, because there might be many reason why that may be the case, and at the same time, many reasons why we are linked and can help each other? and if we want a better world, we look for the reasons why we should help each other more than feed our own fear and hate.


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