Saturday 30 July 2022

Vintage railway film - The Coronation Scot - LMS - 1937

I wonder what would the railways be like if the they was not nationalised in 1948, with other transportation in a bigger plan to integrated and make a more efficient system under British Transport Commission. 
Now days we forget the reason why it seem to be better for nationalisation, and that hope for a better system, may be some of us can see now it done more harm than good?
But what if the Big Four after the grouping of railways in Great Britain after the Railways Act 1921? was not changed in 1948 under the Labour government?

Of course under the Conservatives was the massive Modernisation and Re-Equipment of British Railway Plan of the mid 1950's, that got re-appraisal latter on, and public opinions, not just Conservative had changed by then, to see other modes of transport as a better option to invest in.
Road was seen as the future, air travel longer term, but railwas was the past, and canal was seen as history?
Did I forget about trams, which in Norwich was closed in the 1920's, public transport was seen as a pain, unlike cars? this is changing.
With hire cycles and scooters πŸ›΄ for hire on the streets of Norwich and many other places, that are used every day by the public.
We have come a long way, and still many of us are moaning about transportation for many reasons.

In the late 1980s, small mini buses seem the future, as big as a van, but now there have gone.
Things change, and it hard to understand for many of us, as having a opinion do not make it correct or shared by others.
We might be right for our own needs, like I might like the small buses of Eastern Countries buses, but that are not about now, so for many reasons, they did not last?
I might not understand the reason why, but the bus comapny I hope has, and has pick the best way to move people around Norwich at a lower cost? 

May be best service for the public? but if the cost are too high, then ?
Still I just talking from my own opinion, and to see a bigger picture πŸ–Ό, we need to understand the needs and how much each of us can pay for transport, to make this better future?
We also have to put the affect on the environment around us, in this cost, as in the past we have ignore that problem too much, not that we doing better now, sometimes we seem to believe our own bullshit.

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