Saturday 9 July 2022

Dorset Biological Warfare Experiment - Cold War DOCUMENTARY

I am sure there are many people who dream of the good old days of  the Cold War, as now days it seems more simple to understand, but may be it was not like that, and it more view points.

My own view point is that war and fear should not be a way to fix prolems with each other, no matter what opinions we have , we can disagree ๐Ÿ‘Ž just need to understand why and have a right to question each other, and may be we can learn from each other why we might be wrong or right.

By thinking war is the answer and not the last choice to try to avoid by talking and understanding each other with open minds.
I lack the education, understanding  and wisdoms to judge others, but I have my own opinions from my own view point, which is very limited , still when we work together, we can learn and make other more stronger in our shared wisdom .
Silly me I gone off subject, my words show how I lack understanding of others, how can I fix that? 

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