Sunday 24 July 2022

UK rejects Dover funding bid for more French passport booths


UK rejects Dover funding bid for more French passport booths.

The UK Government at Westminster, has blame France , this is nothing new, our politicians seem to blame others for what have done, when it is unpopular or turn out to be a mistake?

Do the voting public believe this? 
Brexit, We was not forced to join, Harold Macmillan, when PM try to join 

Macmillan worked with states outside the European Communities (EC) to form the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which from 3 May 1960 established a free-trade area. As the EEC proved to be an economic success, membership of the EEC started to look more attractive compared to the EFTA.[214] A report from Sir Frank Lee of the Treasury in April 1960 predicated that the three major power blocs in the decades to come would be those headed by the United States, the Soviet Union and the EEC, and argued to avoid isolation Britain would to have decisively associate itself with one of the power blocs.[214] Macmillan wrote in his diary about his decision to apply to join the EEC: "Shall we be caught between a hostile (or at least less and less friendly) America and a boastful, powerful 'Empire of Charlemagne'-now under French, but later bound to come under German control?...It's a grim choice".[214]

Through Macmillan had decided upon joining the EEC in 1960, he waited until July 1961 to formally make the application as he feared the reaction of the Conservative Party backbenchers, the farmers' lobby and the populist newspaper chain owned by the right-wing Canadian millionaire Lord Beaverbrook, who saw Britain joining the EEC as a betrayal of the British empire.[214] As expected, the Beaverbrook newspapers whose readers tended to vote Conservative offered up ferocious criticism of Macmillan's application to join the EEC, accusing him of betrayal. Negotiations to join the EEC were complicated by Macmillan's desire to allow Britain to continue its traditional policy of importing food from the Commonwealth nations of Australia, New Zealand and Canada, which led the EEC nations, especially France, to accuse Britain of negotiating in bad faith.[214]

Macmillan also saw the value of rapprochement with the EEC, to which his government sought belated entry, but Britain's application was vetoed by French president Charles de Gaulle on 29 January 1963. De Gaulle was always strongly opposed to British entry for many reasons. He sensed the British were inevitably closely linked to the Americans. He saw the European Communities as a continental arrangement primarily between France and Germany, and if Britain joined, France's role would diminish 

It took till Ted Heath government to join, a elected Westminster government, and under Labour, a referendum in 1975, to keep in, each time changes have been done, it by negotiating with our government, who by FPTP system of voting, even if we vote just for our MP and know which party they associate with?
Many things our government did not agree with, we got a opt out , 

Since Brexit, the one thing we have not got, is a Strong and Stable government and I am losing hope of every having this in the future, may be I am wrong in this?
May be hope can overcome our prolems without aiming to fix them, may be others will fix our prolems which we caused?

May be I just full of bullshit? 

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