Saturday 30 July 2022

Caller From Portugal Says He Wants Brexit To Stop Freedom Of Movement

A British person living in Portugal want to stop others having the same right as himself with Freedom of Movement?
May be many people in the UK do not want other from other EU countries living and working in the UK, what we want is not what we need?
Sometimes we do not know what we need, so our emotions and fear takes over.
Political Policymaking based our own needs or thoughts πŸ’­of it, is not best for the future, many British people have moved to live in other EU countries, if they are lucky πŸ€, they get to see a new way of life and overcome they own fears, learning new things, etc.
Being in the EU makes that more easy, but being outside make this harder, but that just inside the EU, not outside of it.

I wish I could live outside the UK, and find out what it is like, we want more choice for ourselves but give others less choice, well that is wrong in so many ways.
 We can be amazing sometimes, but we are not when we stop others learning and understanding, we are better when we work together and make a better future, than fear our own wroth and cover up our mistakes, learning by honest, even if we are wrong, we can learn, lies say we do it again, even if it harm ourselves or others. 

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