Wednesday 10 August 2022

Orange Wednesday

Carrow Road and the Moon 

In the news is about strikers, Trade Union, and the so called greed of lower paid workers, and it is down to opinions of who are lower paid too?

It strange how  some of the countries richest people are worried that lowest earners are getting too much from life, as a cleaners I have been told that I am overpaid many times, lucky to have a job, because in they opinion and may be "Common sense" facts, that some people deserve to get less from life.

Some people who follow this, do not mind and will vote for less in they life, as long as others get even less than them, so support a system of hierarchy in they society when they are lower down 👇?

I even seen a video by one right wing group, talking about homeless people getting free tents 🎪 or "Council Tent" / "Council Home", forgiens getting free tents ?
Another leader of a political party at the time, shown hotel funded by Government to house "illegal  immigrants" so he says, that a good way to hide from the Government authorities?

The myth that "Stranger's" from foreign lands get free council homes that they do not deserve  seems very popular, nothing to do with "Right to Buy", selling off council homes at a discount, which many have ended up with private landlord's? and not building more to cover this demand?
It even popular to blame Council Tenants, as getting something for nothing?
As only people who deserve council home, should get them? Seem to forget the reason for the 1918 act , it was not just a gift to the poor? There was reason for it.

What jobs should give workers a better life, or the others, less from life?
It popular to say NHS Nurses'  are payed too little, then voting for a government who limits pay rises to 1% a year for them and other public sector workers? 
Public Sector workers vs Private, Trade Union members vs non members, our government is playing a blame game, and we fight each other as our work is devalued and dismissed as worthless.

Not too long ago, billions was spend on saving private companies, I did not hear that they did not deserve it, done to protect the economy, but why is it when looking after people in a equal way, some are seen as undeserving?


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