Sunday 28 August 2022

Notes to myself.

 Forbidden Planet's Robby the Robot.

Since the 1950's there has been a dream of many hardworking super rich, that all the worthless jobs, will be replaced by robots, and may be a select few will move from Earth to Mars as well.

I sure every home on Mars will have a Robby the Robot, to do all the household jobs.

When they open the restaurant 🍴, pubs, shops, no worthless humans who only demand more, but super efficient  robots that just will do what they are told, what could go wrong?

Every job will be done by robots, this will save billions to be spend on ? 

Robots can work 24 hours, no holidays, no sickness, no opinions, I am looking forward to being replace by Robby the Robot, but Forbidden Planet 🌏 was made in 1950's, if it is so easy to do, and could be done any time now in 2022, why has it not been done?

I keep getting told by others it will happen, in the future I will not be needed, but still I am busy doing this "worthless job" of cleaning?  

I would not need to be replaced by a robot, if every person cleaned after themselves? 

I wonder how many jobs people do not notice, until they are not done?

"Key Workers", was the Council workers who empty our bins, fix our heating, the carers, keep the electrical supply, gas coming to our homes, the mail workers, delivery drivers, firemen, NHS workers, shop workers, and many more, all now seen as a cost now in 2022 and blamed by our government for our cost of living crisis?

Just like after 2010, the 2008 Credit Crisis was blamed on the ♿ disabled, unemployed, low paid workers, public services, NHS, etc

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