Sunday 14 August 2022

Brexit cost the UK billions in lost trade and tax revenues, research fin...

This issue has very strong emotions, but you do not overcome the problems and fear of change by ignoring them, but by understanding and finding the solutions?

To have a success BREXIT, the UK need a government at Westminster that not only know what it want, but understand how to get this with negotiations, but we had one that had blame the EU for things they had agree to, in negotiations, which shows weakness by our own UK side.
One of the reason for BREXIT was to control our own borders, but since being outside the European Union, our government has blame France for the problems at Dover, it easy to blame the French,  some might find it easy to believe, still it is our country who wanted this change with Hard Red White and Blue Brexit, which made it harder for our citizens & goods to travel  to the EU , to move to and work in EU too, ?
Now may be that will not affect me, but it has and will affect many other British people who have and could do it so easy in the past with Freedom of Movement that many of did enjoy in the past.

I have to admit, I am jealous of people moving to other EU countries in the past, getting jobs and learning from this, but now that much more harder.

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