Tuesday 23 August 2022

New Coke

So many years ago, 1985.
Strange as the UK was never affected by this?

As it says in this video, some people could not tell the taste difference, I used to drink a lot of this in the past, and I thought then I could tell the difference from plastic bottle, glass bottle, pump in a bar / pub, even with ice as it melts and add water to the drink, but right now, as I do not drink it regularly, I could not tell any difference.

I can think beer, Caffrey's Irish Ale in the 1990 from Belfast was like Stout when pour out, like a ale, and felt creamy or as it was sold and " marketed as a beer which combined features from other types of beer: it could be served as cold as lager, its texture would be as smooth as stout, while its taste was that of an ale. , but I got cans of it since, and being from Burton on Trent, it is a ok ale, but nothing like what it used to taste like, or is my memory at fault? 

I never did like Budweiser, but when I went to Florida in 2005 (or was it 2004), I did like it, even drinking it , in McDonald's, may be the version sold in the UK taste different from what is sold in Florida? Or may be my own view point was changed? 
I not a fan of massive international companies, I want to use more local , who follow they smaller markets, as I think they offer the local society more than one size fit all of the bigger companies.
Still I am a customer of some massive companies too, so I am a little two faced a lot of times.

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