Monday 13 June 2022

Just thinking to myself.

 I was thinking of when I buy a mobile phone, video game, laptop, computer, etc, or most things, plus even park your car on private land in shopping centre, store car park, etc

Well cap park have little print on signs around telling you how long you can park, what you can do on they land and what will happen if you do not follow the rules.

But good, take it home, or download it, then before you use it, you need to agree with the term and conditions set by the comapny, I wonder how many read the little print?

It more easy just to agree with it, as you have spend your money before this stage, can not change it, so agree and use it or? 

Even to question this, to some people is so strange, the person paying for the goods , software, or services have no say whatever in the contract they have to agree to, to use what they payed for? or even still pay even if they do not use it?

It is so part of normal life, that most of us do this everyday and not notice it or find it strange.

I always have agree to term and conditions on this every computer, game consoles, mobile phone, video game, etc, etc, even insurance , RAC, on bank account, and other services, and each time I have never read them, even if I tick a box saying I did, even if I did read it, I might not understand it, as it written in a way for legal reasons, for when thing go wrong and to protect the companies, not the customer.

But it going on all the time, it is normal, so we just go alone with it, and even to say anything is seen as strange.

What could go wrong?  

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