Tuesday 28 June 2022

The Travellers Rest Bar / Leonardos Pub Las Americas Tenerife Night Walk...

From December 2020, I have watched this before, when I was trying to find videos of Tenerife.
Now I subscribe to many who film 📼 on Tenerife and other parts of Spain.

I got my Samsung Galaxy J7 Max from a shop near The Bell I think, the next day after I was pickpocked for my Nokia phone 📱, this was a high price, €350 I think, est, for a phone that was a little out of date then, only 32GB, the salesman told me you can never fill that up, lol.

The first place I went to after the hotel was The Travellers Rest bar, I got the photos.
Me in the Travellers Rest November 2019.
I forgot where I got the hat, may be it was sold to me there? 

The second place was Leonardos, next door.

The Gaelic Corner

I think it is The Gaelic Cornor? can see more of the hotel and cash machines behind me.

From Hotel

Piramides Resort, which is a great location.

The cat is outside Brewers Droop, it was not open in first week of December 2019, but this cat was outside, I was in Bad Bobs, but just had a quick walk.
May be got lost when walking back from the toilet, or ? 

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