Sunday 19 May 2024

Sunday 09:30 to 21:30 Thorpe Station five hours overtime


🚉+ Sunday +🚉 09:30 to 21:30 Thorpe Station, five hours overtime

745010 platform 2 1P08 08:42 Ipswich to Norwich Thorpe arrived 09:21 for 1P27 10:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North 11:01 cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 plus toilets 🚽🚻🚾

745002 platform 2 1P12 09:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 10:19 est   (10:17) for 1P31 11:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 plus toilets 🚽

745002 CCTV door camera 🤳📸 wipe as asked by Driver,

745007 platform 1 1P16 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at  11:16 (11:17) for 1P35 12:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North 13:01 cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 

Change of platform, I wonder why, 1P39 13:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North seem to be back on platform 2, may be window 🪟 or something needs work on that side of train. 

745003 Royal Dock arrived at 11:14

745010  platform 2 1P20 11:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 12:16 (12:18) for 1P37 13:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745002 platform 2:1P24 12:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at. 13:16 . (13:17) For 1P43 14:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745007 platform 2 1P28 13:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 14:16  (14:17) for 1P47 15:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 

745002 vacuum carpets 1P43.

745010 platform 1 1P32 14:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 15:14  (15:17) for 1P51 16:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 

745007 vacuum carpets

745010 only vacuum carpets standard class, battery 🔋 run out for A, B coaches

745 platform 2 1P36 15:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at  for 1P55 17:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

755409 platform 3 1K76  14:50 Cambridge to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 16:09 (16;13) for 1K89 17:03 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge 18:26

745002 platform 2 1P36 15:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 16:34 for 1P55 17:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745007 platform 2 1P40 16:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at. 17:16 (17:17) For 1P59 18:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North 19:01 cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745003 Royal Dock might be used latter, but as it comes under the Official Secrets Act, then I must not know 🤡

745010 platform 2 1P44 17:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 18:14  (18:17)  for 1P63 19:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 plus toilets 🚽🚻🚾🚻

Hey! I sent you £850.00. Check out this receipt.

745002 platform 2 1P50 18:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at  19:16  (19:17) for 1P67 20:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North cleaning 🧹 🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 plus toilets 🚽🚻🚾 

745010 vacuum carpets 1P63.

745002 vacuum carpets

745007 platform 2 1P56 19:17 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 20:16 (20:17) for 1P71 21:00 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester North Cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 plus toilets 🚽🚻🚾

745007 coach H toilet 🚽 95% out of service

755423 platform 4 20:45 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall

755402 platform 6 arrived at 20:34 for 20:58 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central

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