Tuesday 21 May 2024


 You can pay extra for an appointment at a passport office if you need it urgently.

When you’ll get your passportWhat it costsNeeds an
StandardUsually within 3 weeks - it will be delivered securely to your home£88.50 (or £100.50 for a 54-page frequent traveller passport)No
1 week
Fast Track
find out more (opens in new tab)
Delivered by courier to your home 1 week after the appointment£166.50 (or £178.50 for a 54-page frequent traveller passport)Yes
1 day
find out more (opens in new tab)
Collect at the appointment£207.50 (or £219.50 for a 54-page frequent traveller passport)

How to apply

  1. Get a digital passport photo

    We’ll show you how to get a digital passport photo.

  2. Provide application details

    If you’re applying on behalf of an adult or child, fill in their application details rather than your own.

  3. Find out what documents you need to send

    We’ll tell you what documents you need to send.

  4. Pay for your passport

    A standard passport is £88.50 for an adult, and £57.50 for a child.

  5. If required, get someone to confirm your identity

    We’ll tell you if we need someone to confirm your identity. They can confirm your identity online without a printed photo.

  6. Track your application

    We’ll send you updates by email or text. You can also log in to:

    • track progress on your application
    • check what documents you need to send, and where to send them
    • ask someone to confirm your identity (if required)
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