Saturday 2 December 2023

Super Saturday 09:30 to 21:30 Thorpe Station five hours overtime

 [08:14, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: -----------------------------_--

[08:14, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: +++++++ Saturday+++++++

[08:14, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 09:30 to 21:20 12 hours

[09:19, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 platform 1 1P08 08:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 09:19 for 1P27 10:00 Norwich Thorpe to Wiham

[09:39, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 Royal Dock notice at 09:39

[09:43, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: Today is hourly service between Norwich Thorpe and Witham, and I am on toilets 🚽 till 14:30? Then may be change, ? If someone else want to do toilets 🚽?

[10:00, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755419 platform 4 for 2K71 11:27 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻

755415 platform 3B 1K77 12:28 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge from Sidings.

[10:21, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745008 platform 1 1P12 09:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 10:21 for 1P31 11:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻

[10:42, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755406 platform 4B 09:25 Cambridge to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 10:42 for 11:27 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets

[10:48, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755336 platform 5 arrived at 10:48 from Great Yarmouth for 11:34 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾 at 10:51

[11:19, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745009 platform 1 1P16 10:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at  11:19 for 1P35 12:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻

[11:45, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745009 vacuum carpets on A,B,C

[11:47, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755405 platform 6 for 12:34 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall

[11:51, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755422 Middle Road arrived at 11:51

[12:19, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745003 platform 1 1P20 11:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 12:19 for 1P39 13:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻

A toilet, one of the five has a leak, so I need to lock 🔒 it?  Strange as any staff with carriage key can do that?

[12:44, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745003 vacuum carpets K, L, M and unblocked 🪠 coach L toilet but locked up as report one toilet leaking?

[12:49, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755417 platform 3B 14:58 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central

[12:49, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755336 platform 3A arrived at 12:50 for 12:58 Norwich Thorpe to  Lowestoft Central

[13:19, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 platform 1 12:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 13:19 for 14:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻

[13:20, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755417 cleaned toilets inside and vacuum carpets

[13:45, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 vacuum carpets KLM

[13:46, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745419 platform 3 for 14:27 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge, too slow, nothing

[13:56, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755405 platform 5B for 14:34 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall cleaning toilets, done 755419 too

[14:08, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 13:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham cancelled 745003

[14:11, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 Royal Dock still at 14:11

[14:42, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745008 platform 2 1P28 13:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 14:42  for 1P47 15:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻

745006 platform 1 14:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham delayed as train faults? .

[14:58, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755414 with 745003 platform 2 arrived at 14:56, 745093 failed on way to Witham, that caused all the problems.

[15:03, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 13:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham customers , back here , to get 15:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham

[15:04, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 15:00 left at 15:04 to Witham

[15:18, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745009 platform 1 1P32 14:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 15:19  for 1P51 16:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻

[15:58, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 15:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe cancelled

I wonder what will form the 17:03 Norwich Thorpe to Witham, as 745003 with 755414 is on platform 2 , waiting for going to CPD to be fix (745) 

5P47 CPD Reception signal no 535, notice at 15:58

[16:09, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755422 platform 4 arrived at 16:09 for 17:50 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central

[16:21, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755422 might be 17:34 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall cleaned, started with toilets

[16:23, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 2P32 17:54 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall 765422

[16:30, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 platform 3 arrived at 16:30 for 17:03 Norwich Thorpe to Witham

[16:34, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755417 platform 5 arrived at 16:33 for 16:40 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall

[16:43, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755424 platform 5B arrived at 16:43 for 16:56 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets

[16:48, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 75418 platform 6 arrived at 16:48 for 17:21 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets

[17:02, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: The PIS screens are showing latter trains, like 18:40 Great Yarmouth, 19:00 Witham, but missing some other trains? Causing some confusion when getting information from this system.

[17:16, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745009 1P40 16:20 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe delayed.

Cancelled from Witham to Colchester North part

14:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham left at 14:43, and cancelled from Colchester North (52 minutes late ) to Witham

[17:18, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745003 platform 2 has gone to CPD 🥳 755414 left on platform 2B

[17:27, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745002 platform 3 5P47 arrived at 17:26 for 1P59 18:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham

[17:39, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755411 platform 4 arrived at 17:38 for 17:50 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central  toilets

[17:44, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 17:45 to Sherringham platform 2A not cleaned

[17:48, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755419 platform 6 arrived at 17:48 for 18:27 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets

[17:57, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755417 platform 5B for 18:06 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall

[18:06, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 16:20 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe due 18:18 may be 745006 1P40

17:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe due 18:33 - 745008 ? 1P44

[18:17, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 platform 1 arrived at 18:18 for 1P63 19:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham cleaning 🧹 🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻

[18:36, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745008 platform 4 1P44 17:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 18:35, lock 🔒 up

755 platform 4 arrived at

[18:37, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755414 platform 2 for 18:40 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall,

[18:44, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755421 platform 5B arrived at 18:43 for ? 20:05 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central if PIS screen is right, or Ipswich ECS

[18:48, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755406 platform 3 arrived at 18:47 for 18:55 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham , was platform 2 and 3A

[18:58, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755424 platform 3B arrived at 18:58 for 19:05 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central or next 18:27 Cambridge?

[19:01, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755329 platform 3A arrived at 19:01 for 19:05 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central

[19:24, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745009 platform 1 1P50 18:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 19:25  for 1P67 20:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻

755417 platform 4 arrived at 19:19

[19:38, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755411 platform 5B for 20:05 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central cleaning

[19:43, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755407 platform 6 arrived at 19:43 for 20:00 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾 like last 🚆

[19:50, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755415 platform 3 for 21:10 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾, no cleaning, as going to Depot

[20:05, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: A. 20:36 (20:45) platform 3 from Cambridge for 21:10 to Cambridge 

B. 20:39 (20:42) platform 6 from Lowestoft Central for 21:05 to Lowestoft Central 

C. 20:50 platform 5B from Great Yarmouth Vauxhall for 21:40 to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall 

D. 20:53 platform 5A from Sherringham for 21:15 to Sherringham

[20:18, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 745001 platform 1 1P56 19:05 Witham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 20:20.  for 1P71 21:00 Norwich Thorpe to Witham cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻

755414 & 755417 platform 4 left at 20:17 for CPD, not cleaned.

[20:43, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755423 platform 6 arrived at 20:43 for 21:05 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽🪠🚾

[20:43, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755418 platform 3B arrived at 20:44

[20:50, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755422 platform 5B arrived at 20:50 for 21:40 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall

[20:56, 02/12/2023] Michael Noël Turner: 755406 platform 5A arrived at 20:55 for 21:15 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham cleaning toilets 🚽🪠🚾

I had a few bad days, and I was not looking forward to today, but I did just carry on, and try to think up wary to keep myself busy, I was helping on Local side, then I was helping vacuum carpets, then on Locals.

So I keep busy.

The strange thing was, the very negative feelings and emotions, that was very strong in the past few days, seem to go away and I felt so much better.

The 12:00 Norwich to Witham failed, it blocked the link, and delayed the 13:00 Witham.
755414 bought it back to platform 2, arrived at 14:56. Customer from this train, then went to get the 15:00 to Witham on platform 3.

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