Sunday 31 December 2023

Celebrities Need to SHUT UP About Autism!

Just watching this video, after work, 

It easy to say thing that we might wish we rethink after.
It easy to say words do not matter, but our ego and own thoughts are affect by the words of others, if we use words that help others understand why we think they are wrong, in what they say, then we need to help them with reasons, so need to understand them, as well.
Insults are easy, but will not help with teaching any understanding of each other.
We say everyone has freedom of speach, well we do not like insults, lies, and sometimes even what other just see wrong with us?
Some people might even have the best for us, when they might seem to insults us, and some people who are too friendly, might aim for the worse for us? We not perfect, no one is, we just can aim to be better each day, with better understanding of each other.

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