Thursday 27 April 2023

Notes to myself

 Our Ref: BR2/10/1

27th April 2023

Dear RMT Member




Today I received clarification from the Rail Delivery Group regarding its views on the Dispute Resolution Proposals.

Astonishingly, the RDG confirmed that the proposed Year One payment of 5% or £1750 is dependent on our dispute being formally terminated and no further action being taken. This would mean having to move into stage two discussions regarding changes to working practices and terms and conditions without an industrial action mandate being in place, leaving the Union dis-armed and leaving members vulnerable in the face of detrimental proposals and a very poor pay offer.

This new position from the RDG makes a mockery of the proposed ‘dispute resolution’ and is no doubt due to interference and pressure from the Tory Government. The RDG has completely reneged on the spirit of the document previously proposed in a move which contradicts and overturns the basis on which we had recently been considering this matter.

In addition to the above, the proposals provided for Driver grades are not even on a par with those for other grades with Drivers only offered 4% in each year on the basis of a long list of Workforce Changes for the grade.

I have produced a video which will be available on the RMT website, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter accounts later this evening.

The National Executive Committee has declared that this situation is intolerable and unacceptable and it has undermined our negotiations. The proposals for Drivers are also wholly unacceptable.

The National Executive Committee has called on all members involved in this dispute to take strike action and NOT TO BOOK ON for any shifts between:

  • · 00:01 to 23:39 hours on Saturday 13th May 2023

The NEC will of course be considering this matter and further industrial action dates next week when the re-ballots close on Thursday 4th May and I will of course keep you advised of all further developments.




Yours sincerely

Michael Lynch

General Secretary

RMT rejects proposals as employers torpedo negotiating process

Rail union, 
 will launch strike action across 14 train operators on May 13th after rejecting the latest offer from the Rail Delivery Group.
Following further discussions between the union and RDG, the employer issued a clarification on the offer 
 has been considering.

The RDG is now saying they would only implement the first-year payment of 5% is if the union terminated its industrial mandate.
 general secretary Mick Lynch said: "The RDG have reneged on their original proposals and torpedoed these negotiations.

"No doubt their decision is due to pressure exerted on them by the Tory government..."Therefore, we have no alternative but to press ahead with more strike action and continue our campaign for a negotiated settlement on pay, conditions and job security..."We are re-balloting our members and if we beat the draconian anti-trade union laws on turnout, we will have a renewed mandate for action...
"We will then put on a further programme of strike action to make the employers and the government who continue to hold the puppet strings, see sense in this dispute."

, to stage three fresh strikes in long running dispute over pay: Friday 12 May, Wednesday 31 May, and Saturday 3 June (day of FA Cup Final).  General Secretary 
: 'The proposal – of just 4% – was clearly not designed to be accepted as inflation is still running north of 10% and our members at these companies have not had an increase for four years.'

Train drivers are also withdrawing non-contractual overtime from Monday 15 to Saturday 20 May inclusive, as well as on Saturday 13 May and Thursday 1 June.
This is separate from 
's national rail dispute. RMT received an updated offer from the Rail Delivery Group (representing train operating companies) on the 14th and the NEC is considering its contents. No decision on any next steps has been taken.

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