Thursday 6 April 2023

AMSTERDAM - Warning Be Careful Here....

I have been to Amsterdam twice in 1989 and 1990 I think from memory, I went there to use the ferry from Harwich to Zeebrugge, then train to Amsterdam.
I do not remember much about this now, just that when I changed my money to guilders, had bigger value notes, and when on the train to Amsterdam, I bought some food or drink, and that cause him some problems with the change.

When I was in Amsterdam, I remember a little about trams, food shops with self service see though boxes on display in some placeI remember, and not much else.

I had seen Amsterdam on TV, may be mostly in the TV show "Van der Valk" by Nicolas Freeling, and Thames Television.
I have very little understanding of the Dutch culture, even if I read that at times in the past 25% of the Norwich population spoke Dutch, 'Strangers'

So I thought I might of know more than I did, and even if I did know, I understand even less.
I am sure many different opinions and view points could be feed many view points on this subject, my own is that we are more connect to the rest of Europe, in many ways, in the past and I hope in the future, than we know, or is popular talked about.
It easy to make this a subject on the European Union, well to make BREXIT work, we need better reasons that work than just slogans and blame, or if we want to rejoin the European Union, we need more support for that in the population, more understanding for the aims, and to offer more to the rest of the EU, than just finding faults.

We need to debate better, not just say our own opinions, like it something better than anything else, and our ways are the only way, everyone else is wrong.
As everyone can make mistakes, to ignore that, we do not learn. 
In my own opinion, of course, even if I am not very good at learning myself.
Just looking at this, I did not write anything to do with the video, lol, just what I was thinking of right now, my mind is all over the place sometimes.

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