Sunday 4 December 2022

Sunday notes

 I see on Twitter lots of people having very strong opinions, some seem well thought of, some just may be not (like how I write?), or got reasons that need to be understood from more than the words.

Even history, seem is too left wing or "Woke" now days, well that is a opinion, still learning what was done wrong or right in the past, can help the future.

I always lived in Norwich, so I have a very limited knowledge, I only understand English language, again that is very limited to me, education is a great gift to see the world and help understand life around us.

We all got our own needs, and want others to help in our needs, yet we live in a society that we need to help others too, in many ways we can?

Money ๐Ÿ’ต is one way to value goods and services, to value work done by us or others, and there is lots of debate on how much that is, or is that fairly done.

I forgot my point, may be I have no point, just my own or others opinion is never perfect, or 100% correct.

Having a view point, great, but if we do not learn and understand others, then may be we will miss something, that we can learn from.

I better be going to work now, 09:30 to 21:30 today, I am just a cleaner.

Some people say, may be just a joke, cleaners are thefts, some say they do nothing, get payed too much (max wage for Cleaners , ok by me, but how many people earn more than that? ).

It easy to think others get too much or work too little, without understand why, and not saying how this will fix any problems, because you can say it was just a joke?

Many jobs are undervalued, and many people are used by others, from this type of lies or jokes, to devalue the work of others.

This is nothing new, many books have been writing saying one groups of humans need more than others , writing by people who hope to gain more and promote this.

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