Wednesday 21 December 2022

Nurses strike: Union leader urges government to 'do the decent thing'

Public Services are a investment , not just a cost that has to be cut.
I do not agree with putting the public sector vs private, as one side is better off than the other, as sometimes the end affect is to make everyone less well off.

Some tell me, I part of the "Élite", and other tell me, I look better in straitjacket, or may be I see more the negatively in my own life, which could of been cause by my own faults, or a unfair world, is it better for me to promote a more hateful world around me, or learn to understanding why I feel so alone?
May be that does not make any sense, it do not make sense for me, which is why I want to understand more, not feel this frustration and anger due to my own failures.

I seem to go off subject of why I support more investment in public services, like the NHS.
Pay is something harder to give reason for, we want a fair wage for ourselves, but we want others to work for claps and being told thank you, and not given wage to live on, then balme them for this too.

I can understand why so many people can not understand me, as I have that prolems too.
I keep thinking of my own reasons, than others, of why public services are investment in our shared society's, I am talking with just my own opinion, so can be wrong, still I think we all can be better off, when we share more and include more people than hate or fear, promote blame of others, than understand what they can do better.

May be I just full of Bullshit, I might dream of being part of changing the world to be better, but in real life, I can not fix my own prolems today?
I thought I would give a reason why we should invest in public services, well ost of us only know that, when we need them, then it might be too late.

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