Sunday 11 December 2022

Notes to myself

 Is it left wing to think of "Climate Change", and this theory is promoted by some groups in the UK, even if the issue is not right vs left, it is made to look that way, to promote keeping the same way of thinking.

So they do not need to prove whatever they say, just say they it they believe it, and it they right, to cause doubt 🤷‍♂️, confusion, blame, and promote hate, just by using words, lies so open, it looks like the truth of they opinions and fears?

We can tell by plastic bottles, and other waste, we do not like cleaning up our mess.
In many ways we have been better, and can be better, still never perfect in this.
We mostly do not have to, after we used it, and then do not need it, it not our waste, and it for someone else to clean up?
What if we do not see the damage or understand the reason why it is causing so much affect on the envenvironment  around us, it must be someone else who done this, or just lies about the affect?

Many comapnies, and people make money by doing things that damage the environment, many of us enjoy transport , good that are made, and a way of life that is doing so much damage, to make so many changes is going to be hard, but can have many benefits if we get it right.
Still many people just want to lie to them selves and others, to stop this, and keep doing the same.

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