Saturday, 10 August 2024

Saturday 09:30 to 21:30 Thorpe Station

 745103 platform 1 1P07 06:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745008 1P05 06:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 07:47

745002 1P03 05:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 07:17

745009 1P01 05:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 06:47

745110 5P06 06:05 Orient Way CS to London Liverpool Street platform 9 06:31

755418 5D71 06:20 Norwich Jubilee Sidings to Lowestoft Central (from Low Level )

745001 platform 2 1P02 07:10 Ipswich to Norwich Thorpe 07:50 - 1P21 08:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 10:17

745004 1P04 06:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 08:17 - 9P23 08:57 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 10:30

745003 1P06 07:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 08:44

755405 755406 755335 1P15 07:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 09:17

745105 1P08 07:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 09:18 - 10:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745006 iP13 07:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 08:47

745002 1P10 08:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 09:44 - 10:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool street

745008 Liverpool street platform 10 1P05 06:00 Norwich thorpe to London Liverpool Street 07:46 - 1P12 08:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 10:16 - 11:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745103 Liverpool street platform 6 1P07 06:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 08:15 - 1B32 08:40 London Liverpool Street to Stansted Airport 09:27

745106 Liverpool Street platform 9 1B15 07:30 Stansted Airport to London Liverpool Street 08:27 - 1P14 09:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 10:46 = 11:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745006 Liverpool Street platform 10 1P13 07:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 08:54 - 1P16 09:30 London Liverpool street to Norwich Thorpe 11:18

745003 platform 2 1P06 07:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 08:41 - 1P25 09:30 Norwich Thorpe toLondon Liverpool street 11:17

+++++++ Saturday +++++++ 09:30 to 21:30 Thorpe Station five hours overtime

745109 Royal Dock

745105 platform 1 1P08 07:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 09:20 (09:18) for 1P27 10:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 11:47 cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745002 platform 2 1P10 08:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 09:44 (09:44) for 1P29 10:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 12:17

745008 platform 1 1P12 08:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at.10:16  (10:18) for 1P31 11:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

10:46 arrival out of service 

745106 1P14 09:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 10:46 for lock 🔐 up 1P33 11 32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 13:17.

745006 1P16 09:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 11:18 for

745106 platform 2 1P14 09:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 10:42  for lock 🔒🔐 up no cleaning 5P14

158783 platform 3 1L04 06:45 Sheffield to Norwich Thorpe 10:19(10:14) for 1R70 10:55 Norwich Thorpe to Liverpool Lime Street 16:29 (with 158889 from Nottingham Midland)

745006 platform 2 1P16 09:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 11:17 (11:17) for 1P33 11:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 13:17 cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 plus toilets 🚽

745106 platform 2 left at 11:02.

755405 755406 755335 1P18 10:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 11:44 for 1P37 12:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

158788 1L05  07:40 Sheffield Midland (with 158810 to Nottingham) to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 11:14 (11:12) for 1R72 11:55 Norwich Thorpe to Liverpool Lime Street 17:29.

1P35 12:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 13:47 is from platform 3 today

755405 755406 755335 platform 2  1P18 10:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 11:45  for 1P37 12:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 

745109 platform 3 arrived at 11:26 from Royal Dock for 1P35 12 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

755414 platform 1A 1K66 10:20 Cambridge to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 11:38 for 5F71 13:08 Norwich Thorpe to Colchester CSD14:26 ?

745001 1P22 11:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 12:44 for 1P41 13:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 15:17

745004 1P24 11:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 13:18 for 1P43 14:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 15:47

745003 1P26 12:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 13:44 - 1P45 14:33 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 16:17

745105 Liverpool Street platform 10 1P27 10:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 11:46 - 1P28 12:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 14:18 - 1P47 15:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 16:47

158810 platform 3 1L03 09:39 Nottingham Midland to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 12:08 for 1R74 12:55 Norwich Thorpe to Liverpool Lime Street 18:29

745010 platform 1 1P20 10:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 12:18 (12:18) for 1P39 13 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 14:47

745001 platform 2 1P22 11:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 12:44  for 1P41 13:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 15:17 cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745004 platform 1 1P24 11:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 13:17  for  1P43 14:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 15:47 cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745007 1P28 12:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 14:18 - 1P47 15 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

745002 1P30 13:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 14:46 - 1P49 15:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

745008 Liverpool Street platform 10 1P31 11:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 12:47 - 1P32 13:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 15:18 - 1P51 16:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745003 platform 2 1P26 12:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 13:41 for 1P45 14:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745007 platform 1 1P28 12:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 14:17 for 1P47 15:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼

745007 coach C HL toilet 109% CET and out of service, coach E 80% , coach H lock out of use

745002 platform 2 1P30 13:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 14:46 for 1P47 15:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745008 platform 1 1P32 13:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 15:17  for 1P51 16:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹 🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 

745006 1P34 14:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 15:44 for 1P53 16 30 NORWICH Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745009 1P36 14:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 16:18 for 1P55 17 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

755405 755406 755335 1P38 15:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 16:44 - 1P57 17 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745006 platform 2 1P34 14:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 15:42 for 1P53 16:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745009 platform 1 1P36 14:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 16:16 for 1P55 17:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

755405 755406 755335 platform 2 1P38 15:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 16:42 for 1P57 17 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 19:17 cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745001 1P42 16:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 17:46 for 1P61 18:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

745110 1P44 16:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 18:19 for may be 1P73 19:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street?

745003 1P46 17:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 18:44 

745007 Liverpool Street platform 10 - 1P47 15 00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 16:49 - 1P50 17:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 19:19 - may be 1P67 20:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street?

745010 platform 1 1P40 15:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 17:16 (17:19) for 1P59 18:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 

745108 1B15 16:15 Stansted Airport ✈️🌍🛫 to London Liverpool Street due 17:12 - Liverpool Street platform 5 2B02 17:25 London Liverpool Street to Stansted Airport ✈️🌍🛫 18:11

745001 platform 2 1P42 16:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 17:44 for 1P61 18:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745002 Liverpool Street platform 9 1P49 15:32 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived 17:17 - 1P54 18:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 19:44. 

755422 Low Level - 5P20 15:48 Ipswich HS to Norwich CPD ? Now Low Level at 17:39 ?

745110 platform 1 1P44 16:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 18:21 not  for 1P63 19:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745003 1P46 17:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 18:44 may be for 1P63 19:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street? Like a weekday ? 

745008 Liverpool Street platform 13 - 1P51 16:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street arrived at 17:48 - 1P56 18:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 20:20 - 1P71 21:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745110 platform 1 left at 18:36 for Royal Dock

745003 platform 2 1P46 17:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at for 1P63 19:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street  might not clean, as late, 19:97 expiced? 

745005 platform 2 arrived at 18:47 from CPD may be , no information ℹ️ , for 1P63 19 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street, Norwich Customer Services are useless

745003 platform 2 arrived at 19:09 for 1P67 20 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street panic

745007 platform 1 1P50 arrived at 19:17 for 1P67 20:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745003 platform 2 left at 19:30

745002 platform 2 lock 🔐 up no cleaning 

745110 Total Dock quick clean 🪥🧹 bins, trash , vacuum carpets

745008 platform 1 1P56 18:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 20:20 for 1P71 21 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

745006 9P58 19:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 20:33 for quick clean

745008 platform 1 arrived at 20:18 for 1P71 21 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745006 platform 2 arrived at 20:33 quick clean, may be ?

745006 platform 2 quick clean done ✅ badly 🤢

745006 platform 2 left at 20:13.

Well lots of mixed messages, done two quick cleans, if it was wrong, may be someone would be thankful for that help, did not change bin liners on 745006, because of more limited time, well may be if I had know they lock it up latter ? or something, still we wanted to get done ? This was a bit messy,.

745110 only had two bags of trash, and less bins, could change all of them, but I panic because need to be on 20:00 Norwich Thorpe to London, to clean that, so did not gt to do the cab bin on coach A.

I vacuum carpets, when I found out, it was staying till 21:00, but I need to clean, 20:20 arrival for 21:00 London, and second quick clean at 20:33, 745006.

So the 745008 need to be clean in ten minutes , which it was, to get on 745006, which was just a minute late of this aim.

With hindsight, could of spend longer on 745006, but how would I know that they was going to be delayed locking this train up ? Have too guess, and if that was easy, I will win the Euro Millions every week too.

If I got it wrong, and cleaned the wrong trains, well latter on another team, will do a better job on them, and can do more extras , or do other jobs on other trains, I am sure the amount of trash took off 745006, and even a lot less from 745110 , plus carpets vacuum cleaned, will help someone ? 

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