Saturday, 17 August 2024

Friday 21:30 to07:30 Thorpe Station three hours overtime

 ++++++ Friday ++++++ 21:30to 07:30 Thorpe Station three hours overtime

745010 platform 1 1P56 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 20:19 - 1P71 22:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 22:54

745102 platform 2 1P58 19:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 20:47 - 5P58

745002 1P60 19:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 21§:19 - 1P73 22:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

755326 755410 755404 1P62 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 21:48

745001 Royal Dock notice at 21:14

745002 platform 1 arrived at 21:18 for 22:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

755414 Low Level

755405 platform 3 22:40 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge + cleaning toilets on 745002

Three 755 platform 2 arrived at 21:52

755406 platform 5 22:05 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central

755326 755410 got one 100% CET, accessibility toilet out of use, quick clean, chaos

755334 Jubilee next to platform 7

755424 platform 6 2S31; 21:09 Sherringham to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 21:15  platform 5arrived at  22: for 22:40 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central cleaning 🧹 toilet 🚽🚽πŸͺ , so had to do platform 2 then go from London end of that , to platform 6, but also clean platform 2 six toilets in super quick time,  given less time each time, and expected more from, as given little information and not included 

5P63 left platform 2 at 22:14

745006 platform 2 arrived at 22:22 for 23:05 Norwich Thorpe to Ipswich cleaning 🧹🧼🧼 toilets

Coach H unblocked πŸͺ 

755422 platform 4 5S36 arrived at 22:44 for 2S36 23:05! Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham

755418 platform 6 arrived at 22:50 for 23:00 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall

745007 platform 1 left at 23:58

755418 platform 6 2C45 23:34 Great Yarmouth Vauxhall to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 00:05 for cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽πŸͺ πŸšΎ

755419 1K96 22:10 Stansted Airport ✈️πŸŒπŸ›« to Norwich Thorpe platform 5B 00:13

755329  5D98 23:47 Lowestoft Central to Norwich Thorpe 00:21 ? 

755413 2J99 23:30 Lowestoft Central to Norwich Thorpe platform 5A 00:16

A 745 just arrived Royal Dock ? 735007 ?

755419 platform 5B arrived at 00:13 cleaning 🧹🧼 toilets 🚽πŸͺ πŸšΎ

745004 platform 1 1P70 arrived 00:23

745010 platform 1 1P72 23:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 01:30

755401 & 755415 platform 7

755413 platform 6 arrived at 03:10

PLT5 at signal 561 at 03:27 to signal 567

755327 platform 5B  & platform 5A arrived at 03:30 755407

A. 745004  platform 4 1P70 - 1P01 05 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

B. 745010 platform 1 1P72 - 1P03 05 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

C. 745007 Royal Dock  1P68 - 1P05 06 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

D. 745102 CPD Clean 1P58 - 1P07 06 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

E. 745001 1P54 19:51 - 1P13 07 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

F.  755404 & 755410 & 755326  1P15 07 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

G. 745008;CPD Clean 1P50 19:21 - 9P19 08:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

H. 745106 for 1P35 12:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

I. 745110 CPD 1P44 18:18 - HOLD

J. 745107 CPD Not Used Stpopped

K. 745006 Ipswich Clean - 1Y75 23:05 Ipswich to N…

A. 745004  platform 1 1P70 - 1P01 05 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

B. 745010 platform 4 1P72 - 1P03 05 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

C. 745007 Royal Dock  1P68 - 1P05 06 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

D. 745102 CPD Clean 1P58 - 1P07 06 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

E. 745001 1P54 19:51 - 1P13 07 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

F.  755404 & 755410 & 755326  1P15 07 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

G. 745008;CPD Clean 1P50 19:21 - 9P19 08:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

H. 745106 for 1P35 12:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

I. 745110 CPD 1P44 18:18 - HOLD

J. 745107 CPD Not Used Stpopped

K. 745006 Ipswich Clean - 1Y75 23:05 Ipswich to N…

745010 platform 4 stable clean toilets 🚽πŸͺ πŸšΎ 

745004 platform 1  stable clean toilets 🚽πŸͺ πŸšΎ and mop floors from M coach to C.

158780 platform 3A 1R60 05:48 Norwich Thorpe to Liverpool Lime Street 11:29

158858 platform 3A middle for 1R62 Norwich Thorpe to Liverpool Lime Street 12:29, (with 158783 from Nottingham Midland)

745009 Liverpool Street platform 4 5B06 04:10 Orient Way CS to London Liverpool Street 04:29 - 1B04 London Liverpool Street to Stansted Airport ✈️πŸŒπŸ›« 05:59

745104 Liverpool Street platform 2 - 5B06 04:25 Orient Way CS to London Liverpool Street 04:43 - 1B08 05:31 London Liverpool Street to Stansted Airport ✈️πŸŒπŸ›« 06:27

745101 Liverpool Street platform 3 5B06 04:10 Orient Way CS to London Liverpool Street 04:29 - 1B06 05:19 London Liverpool Street to Stansted Airport ✈️πŸŒπŸ›« 06:13

745002 5P04 04:40 Orient Way CS to London Liverpool Street due 05:07 platform 10 arrived at 05:07 - 1P04 06:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 08:18 for 1P25 09 32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

755409 Low Level 5D69 05:14 Norwich Jubilee Sidings to Lowestoft Central 05:48

745007 Royal Dock left at 05:31

745007 platform 2 1P05 06 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 07:47

5P07 at CPD Reception, notice at 05:53

5P62 at Norwich Victoria Sidings

745102 platform 1 arrived at 06:05 for 1P07 06:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

PLAT2 by Trouse Swing Bridge πŸŒ‰ waiting for 1P07.

745001 platform 2 PLT2 arrived at 06:38  for 1P13 07:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street vacuum carpets as might be quick clean yesterday, or ? If course no information β„Ή️ if it had a quick clean or not ? So will find out when it , well after it arrived?  

PLT1 at Norwich Victoria Sidings at 06:36 1P18 10:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 11:44 755410 755404 755326 ? May be 1P15 07 32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street before turn to 1P18 ?

755404 755410 755326 platform 1 arrived at 06:42

745001 vacuum carpets but no time for anything else

Silly me panics too much for this  job ? 

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