Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunny Day in Norwich

Latter in the day, I went to Queen of Iceni, to get American Burger and chips.

I just come back from Liverpool, I find that Wetherspoons is one of the cheapest pubs in Norwich, but when I go to Liverpool, the p[rices seem much higher than other places, may be bacuse they do not have happy hour prices, or may be they seem very popular without the cut down prices? 
When I went to Manchester, the prices seem even more, hard to understand prices, as they based on local demand, costs, tax, cost, and more things that we might of, plus they want a return on the investment, and time put in ?
Not simple thing to debate prices.

I have booked a room at Adelphi Hotel, when the Euro's are being played in Germany.
I think prices will go up, I booked two nights, and now have applied for some days off, so can book four night in Adelphi Hotel, if I get them, but where I work, they are short of staff for many reasons, sadly, but that gives me access to more overtime, silly me to do that.

Just watching this video right now.

I nearly forgot, I try to clean my cheap blue tooth keyboard, early today, and I seem to have done a great job, it feel so much better, then it seem to buttons seem to change what they was doing and was next to useless, so I used a older keyboard, I got from Primark for £4, it was ok, even if I did break it, , lol silly me, but the space bar is far from perfect, I try to use my Lenovo G50 laptop, that was even more slow than this 2012 iMac Mini I am using, and I thought the USB keyboard was playing up, till latter, the build in keyboard was playing up, so turned that off.

The keyboard I cleaned, I put in the garden to dry off in the sun, when I came home, well using it now, perfect, keep it simple and cheap. 

Easy for me to say now, I nearly bought a replacement in B&M a few hours ago, I gave up on it, as the keyboard I wanted, was USB with wire, and the only one without, was like a laptop keyboard, I like the old type keyboards, so I was right, for all the wrong reasons?

Well this keyboard work now, cheap, simple, and love using it.

Still using the Primak keyboard, I love that too, it a little different keyboard, green and white, but great to use, other than the space bar, only cost £4 with mouse, wireless both.

I am now at home, getting ready for bed, I think I am on from 09:30 to 21:30 Monday, silly me.

Next two day, I am 12 hours each day, from 09:30.

Then Wednesday seven hours, well always need extra, as spend a little over the past few days, silly me.

this took me so long to write, I am now watching this video, from spain to Mansfield and Leeds, this is from Dover to Mansfield.


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