Saturday 22 June 2024

Notes to myself

 Reach, which publishes the Liverpool Echo, has cut 800 roles.

"In the past 12 months alone, Reach, publisher of the Liverpool Echo and the Manchester Evening News as well as the Mirror and Express titles, has slashed 800 roles in several bruising rounds of cuts which it partly blamed on Meta-owned Facebook and other large media platforms moving to deprioritise news. London’s loss-making Evening Standard last month announced it would go weekly."

The reading of newspapers is something that more people are not doing, when even free newspaper like the Evening Standard find it harder to even give they newspapers away, we can blame it on the lower quality of the writing, or companies have much more choice  to advertise with ? or many other reasons ?

Less people buy newspaper now, so less income from that, which means many newspaper had to put they price up, so think that will get ness people buying them again, so not got the money to spend on writing the news.

Now we got a rise of online Citizen Journalism, in some ways that been good thing, but it also got a bad side, and many people lack the skills of the professional ? 

Some might just want to promote they own ideas, some might do that for someone else who pay them to promote anything, there seems to be a lot of well resourced groups promoting ideas, down to opinions if that good or bad. 

May be the news we watch or read has always not be independent  from everything around it, still some news sources are well know to be funded or controlled, even a voice of governments, countries, and others who pay for it, to give a side of opinion, that promotes a view point.

Plus most of us, who read and think about the news, are not independent in our thinking and got our own view point, so we might just read what we seen as "Real News" and ignore other that do not back up this.

My Local newspaper, Norwich Evening News and East Anglia Daily Press, both report the local football team, Norwich City as great and popular.

The East anglia Daily Time & Ipswich Star, will report how great Ipswich is, and they the Pride of East Anglia, they both been owned by the same company for some times, might even share the writers, etc, so they for they local team, who ever they are, well it only a sport, and a few words, that make some fans happy.

But what if it a political policy, or the owners aim, that they wish to promote ? Is that bad or good ? Do people with a lot of money, like billionaires can run a newspaper, radio stations, TV channel to promote they ideas, is that for good or bad, down to our own ideas and how they match if that is ?

More people can writing on places like this, or go on You Tube or other video web sites, or promote they ideas other ways, more easy, still to be notice more, need the resources to fund and back your ideas and get people to notice.

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