Thursday 27 June 2024

Wednesday 21:30 to 07:30 Thorpe Station three hours overtime


πŸš‰πŸš‰πŸš‰πŸš‰++++ Wednesday ++++πŸš‰πŸš‰πŸš‰πŸš‰ 21:30 to 04:30 Thorpe Station πŸš‰πŸš‰πŸš‰πŸš‰

745109 platform 2 notice at 21:11

745110 Royal Dock notice at 21:13

745007 platform 1 1P60 19:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 21:28 for 1P73 22:02 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 23:57 cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs πŸͺ₯ 

Look like 745109 going to VICS Norwich Victoria Sidings

745109 platform 2 left at 21:28

745010 VIP πŸš†

755326 & 755321 & 755416 platform 2 arrived at 21:47

755402 platform 5 arrived at 21:47 for 22:95 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs πŸͺ₯

Now doing 21:30 to 07:30, ten hours, three hours overtime. May be

755326 755421 & 755416 platform 2 left at 22:05 , not cleaned

755325 platform 6 arrived at 22:08 for 22:40 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs

755406 platform 7 , notice at 22:12

745006 platform 2 1P64 arrived at 22:17 for 1Y75 23 05 Norwich Thorpe to Ipswich cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs πŸͺ₯

755414 platform 3AA arrived at 22:30 for 22:40 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge cleaning 


158846 platform 3B

755332 platform 4B arrived at 22:35 for 22:45 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham cleaning 🧹🧼

755411 platform 6 arrived at 22:48 for 23:00 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall cleaning 🧹🧼

23:20 arrival VIP

745004 platform 11P68 23:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at  23:18 for lock πŸ”’ up and move to Royal Dock

See it is not 745010, may be I remembered the wrong number

745004 Royal Dock arrived at 23:43

755338 Low Level

745005 platform 1 1P70

745010 platform 2 1P72: arrived  01:26

755408 platform 5B , notice at 01:45


745010 platform 2 A to F

745005 platform 1 G to M do e trash, bi s, wipe tables, side top heaters, window leges, inside red doors, top of chair that get dusty, 

Also done on 745010

745010 platform 2 1P01 05:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

745005 platform 1 1P03 05:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 

745004 Royal Dock 1P07 06:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

Sunday 07th July

09:55 Norwich Thorpe to Liverpool Lime Street 15:29 

East Midlands Railway service 

09:55 Norwich Thorpe to Peterborough 11:21 East Midlands Railway 

11:55 Peterborough to Leeds 13:21 London North Eastern Railway 

13:33 Leeds to Liverpool Lime Street 15:02 Trans Pennie Express

745004 platform 2 1P07 06:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

755338 Low Level

5P05 CPD Reception signal πŸš₯🚦 no 535, notice at 05:34

745009 platform 4 5P05 arrived at for 1P05 06 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 07:54

745008 platform 1 arrived 06:06 for 1P13 07 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 08:57

5P15 CPD Reception signal πŸš₯🚦 no 535 notice at 06:38

755402 platform 4 06:54 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall 

755334 platform 5 arrived at 06:43 for 07:15 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham

755326 755421 755416 platform 2 for 1P15 07 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745109 platform 1 arrived at 07:05 for 1P19 08 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street, sorry 9P19

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