Saturday 1 June 2024

Saturday from Liverpool to Norwich Thorpe


Room 402, just by the lifts, the two, next to each other.

This was I think the smallest room I had, at Adelphi Hotel, so far, and can nearly touch the celling, the other room, are so high?

the Lime Kilm seems to be more cheaper, than the three near Liverpool Lime Street, still higher than Norwich ones. 

Freedom Breakfast , this is cheaper here, but the Lack Pudding and Lincolnshire sausage , coffee are the same price.

I ordered curry and San Miguel , plus two pints of Worthington's beer (£1:99 a pint), but I order this at 16:02, and waited till about 17:20 for the drinks, I had asked after I eating the curry, about the drink, and was just told they very busy, and waiting another twenty or more minutes ? 
So went to the till, and the person look it up, and said, I remember that?  then got the drinks for me, I did pick up a tray to help me carry it back to the table, but no reason why, was given? May be they was too busy. 
No great service, but that what it is , sadly.
Still I got them.

I did think before I went to Liverpool, that I would come back Saturday, and spend some time in Nottingham at some Castle Rock pub, but I stayed on the train to Norwich.

I also used McDonalds app on my BlackView A52 Pro, for first time, I stayed eating the burgers and cheap inside, but then left and took two burger back, and then just shown them in the bin, the next morning, silly waste for me.

when I left a hotel, some people was having a fight outside, they was more falling over each other, and one had his pants pulls down.

then three young people a man, and woman was going to the Hotel, look like she lost her skirt, as just t-shirt and kickers, well g-string, so I see a man and woman bums as I left the hotel.

I walked to Liverpool Lime Street, 
I seen 158774 on platform 8 for 07:48 Liverpool Lime Street to Norwich Thorpe, I was thinking of getting breakfast at North Western, then went to W.H.Smith, then Tesco Express, but did not get anything, and I missed the train, as walked to The Lime Kilm, to have breakfast .
I got the 1L09 09:51 Liverpool Lime Street to Norwich Thorpe 15:09, 158864 & 158810, both went all the way to Norwich.

In Norwich, I did go in the Queen of Iceni, but as nearly everyone was inside and it was a little full, I went home, then went to The Glasshouse.

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